🌜🌞🌛 October Horoscope 🌜🌞🌛


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As the Sun moves through harmony-seeking Libra, the crisp October air draws us indoors, where warmth and nurturing await. This is a season to create cozy spaces, reach out to loved ones, and celebrate the beauty in our lives. New friendships can blossom, and existing bonds may deepen, making it a perfect time for gatherings and social events. The month begins with a potent Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Libra on October 2, offering a powerful opportunity for new beginnings, particularly in relationships and areas where we seek greater harmony. Eclipses are transformative, highlighting what needs realignment and giving us a chance to reset our intentions. Later, the Full Moon in Aries on October 17 brings a surge of energy and passion. Emotions may run high, especially in relationships, making it important to be patient and gentle with ourselves and others. Ultimately, this month encourages us to cultivate cooperation, fair play and creativity, and to bring out the best in one another.

Scroll below to find your sign…

Aries (March 21-April 19)  
As the Sun moves through your Seventh House, Aries, relationships take center stage. This month highlights your connections with others —- romantic partners, friends, and business alliances alike. The energy encourages you to foster balance and harmony, making it an ideal time to resolve conflicts, build trust, and enhance communications. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2 marks a powerful opportunity for new beginnings in your relationships. Whether you’re seeking to deepen an existing bond or open yourself to new ones, now is the perfect time to set intentions for creating authentic, supportive connections. This period also invites you to reflect on your role within your relationships. Are you giving as much as you’re receiving? Your focus will shift from individual pursuits to cooperative efforts, helping you discover more about yourself through interactions with others. As the Full Moon in Aries approaches on October 17, emotions may run high, potentially revealing areas of imbalance in your social and family dynamics. It’s crucial to practice patience and empathy during this time. Embrace the heightened energy to release patterns that no longer serve you, making space for healing to take root. By blending self-awareness with partnership, you can create a harmonious balance that moves you forward.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month the Sun lights up your Sixth House, making health, day-to-day activities, and productivity key themes. The energy of this transit encourages you to establish positive habits and make meaningful changes to improve your overall well-being. Whether it’s tweaking your exercise routine, adopting healthier eating habits, or finding ways to reduce stress, you’re supported in creating a balanced lifestyle now. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2 marks a potent time for setting intentions and initiating changes around your health. What practices will nurture you? What habits can you encourage to create a more balanced life? Take advantage of this energy to make a fresh start, whether it’s adopting a new wellness routine or revamping your work environment to promote productivity and harmony. The Full Moon on October 17th illuminates the connections between the practical, earthly world around you versus the inner world of spirit and intuition. Be gentle with yourself as you explore what comes to light during this time. As the energy peaks, it might feel like there’s a lot on your plate, but it’s important to stay grounded. Remember to be patient with yourself and others. Find ways to manage your stress and lean on supportive people around you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

As the Sun lights up your Fifth House, Gemini, creativity, self-expression, romance, and joy take center stage. Now is the time to let loose, have fun, and explore your passions! A surge of creative energy will encourage you to dive into artistic pursuits, hobbies, or anything that brings you delight. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2 opens a fresh window of opportunity —- making it an ideal time for setting intentions about your passions and expressing your uniqueness. Are there new projects you want to start or playful connections you want to explore? If you’re in a relationship, this is a wonderful time to rekindle the spark through spontaneous dates and shared fun. If you’re single, your magnetic charm is especially strong and others are drawn to you. (Don’t be surprised if someone new  catches your eye.) As the Full Moon approaches on October 17, your desire to connect with like-minded individuals will grow, making it an excellent time for social gatherings and stimulating conversations.  While the energy can be exhilarating, it may also feel a bit intense. If you find it overwhelming, make space for some downtime to keep you in balance.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As the Sun shines in your Fourth House, matters to do with home and family life take centre stage this month, Cancer. You might feel the need for more introspection and quiet time to reset your inner spirit and reconnect with yourself. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2 brings potent energy for inner healing and transformation. Your urge to nest, redecorate, or establish a sanctuary for personal reflection and creative expression will be strong. Embrace this energy to create a loving, harmonious environment that nurtures both you and your loved ones. Spending quality time with close family and friends can foster deeper bonds and more meaningful conversations, giving you a stronger sense of emotional security. Additionally, insights about personal or family matters might rise to the surface, offering clarity and fresh opportunities for growth and healing. As the Full Moon on October 17  approaches, you will feel pulled between your professional responsibilities versus your personal obligations. Be mindful not to overextend yourself. Prioritize your well-being and make sure your emotional cup is full before tending to others. While the heightened energy can feel invigorating, it’s easy for tensions to surface.  Stay calm and gentle. Be patient with yourself and others to avoid unnecessary conflicts, and focus on maintaining balance.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The Sun is lighting up your Third House, dear Leo, inspiring a deep desire to connect and engage with those around you. This is a lively, upbeat time perfect for social gatherings, networking, and meaningful conversations. Your curiosity is in overdrive, and you’re eager to explore new ideas, share your unique perspective, and absorb knowledge. Because you will have a sharper focus and mental clarity, this period is ideal for studying, writing, and diving into subjects that captivate your interest. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2nd enhances these themes, offering an opportunity for a mental reset. Great! It’s the perfect time to rethink old thought patterns and open up to fresh ways of processing information. Use this energy to shift your inner dialogue towards one that is more encouraging, supportive, and aligned with your values. The insights you gain now could spark innovative solutions to lingering challenges, helping you approach problems with a clear and open mind. By the time the Full Moon arrives on October  17th, you’ll be ready for lively discussions and fun gatherings. Just be mindful—this surge of energy could lead to overexertion or heated debates. Keep your cool, stay grounded, and don’t let others’ intensity dampen your positive outlook.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

As the Sun illuminates your Second House, your focus turns to finances, personal values, and self-worth. You’re motivated to organize budgets, set new financial goals, and find ways to boost your income. But beyond material wealth, this is also a time to reflect on your deeper values. Consider what true success means to you; and whether you’re giving yourself the credit you actually deserve. The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2nd brings powerful energy for clearing away limiting beliefs, helping you reconnect with your true sense of worth. As you seek balance, you’ll gain clarity on what to let go of and where to invest your time, energy and resources. This is a potent window for intention-setting and bold new initiatives that align with your current values. On October 17th, the Full Moon shines on your Eighth House of transformation and intimacy, encouraging you to reflect on what’s recently come to light in your relationships. Be patient with yourself and those around you—there’s no need to fix everything at once. Use this lunar energy to release what no longer serves you, making room for deeper intimacy and connection. Focus on finding solutions that nurture the kind of meaningful bonds you seek.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Happy Birthday Season, Libra —it’s your time to celebrate your uniqueness and shine! This is an especially sweet period for you, with expansive Jupiter moving through your fellow Air sign Gemini, boosting your confidence and sense of self. It’s a bold time for new adventures, knowledge-seeking, and personal growth. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in your sign on October 2nd mark a powerful moment for new beginnings! Use this energy to set intentions that reflect your true essence and the life you want to manifest.  Your birthday season signals the start of a new personal year—a chance to align your dreams with your inner growth and consciously shape your path ahead. Others are likely to notice you more now, creating opportunities for new relationships and deeper connections. On October 17th, the Full Moon in Aries occurs opposite your sign, bringing both exhilaration and intensity. This heightened energy can bring hidden tensions to the surface, offering you a chance to address unresolved issues. While this is a great time for breakthroughs, it’s important to stay mindful as passions may run high, leading to conflicts. Tread softly, be gentle with yourself and others, and use this time to clear away any obstacles in your way.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
As we approach your birthday season, Scorpio, you may find yourself feeling more reflective than usual. Look back over the past year and take stock, but remember to approach this self-inventory with kindness and detachment. The powerful Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2nd, occurring in your Twelfth House, offers a profound opportunity for rebirth and renewal on your spiritual journey. This is a potent time to release old belief systems, break free from stuck patterns, and let go of relationships that no longer serve your highest good. Clear the clutter—both physically and emotionally—and cleanse your spirit. As you realign your values with your ambitions, you’ll be surprised by how much creative energy is unleashed, propelling you forward on important projects. You’re also getting a boost from Mars, which encourages you to take charge and make the changes you desire. The Full Moon on October 17th may stir up assertiveness or even aggression in others, which could lead to social tension. Stay mindful, resist any knee-jerk reactions, and strive to be the calm centre of the storm. Your ability to remain grounded can be the key to navigating these fiery energies with grace.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As the Sun illuminates your Eleventh House of community, friendships, and humanitarian efforts, you’re eager to connect with like-minded souls and cultivate meaningful relationships. With an optimistic outlook on the future, you’re attracting new people and fresh opportunities into your life. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon on October 2nd open the door for powerful new beginnings. Use this time to reflect on your larger life goals and aspirations. What dreams have you been nurturing, and how can you begin moving toward them? This is an excellent time to revisit your long-term plans so they align with your core values and your evolving sense of purpose. As you share your aspirations with others, you may be pleasantly surprised by the encouragement and support you receive. Stay open to innovative ideas and collaborative projects—your social network has the potential to be a great source of joy and progress this month. The Full Moon on October 17th brings exciting energy, favouring lively conversations, stimulating gatherings, and thought-provoking debates. However, this surge of energy can also push some people to overstep, leading to conflicts or social tension. Rely on your natural diplomatic skills to smooth out any issues, and remember not to let others’ opinions throw you off your path.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

The Sun is moving across the top of your chart, Capricorn, shining a spotlight on your professional life, responsibilities, long-term goals, and public image. This month kicks off with a powerful Solar Eclipse/New Moon on October 2nd, bringing exciting new possibilities and opportunities in your career. This energy invites you to realign with your ambitions, infusing your pursuits with fresh motivation and purpose. It’s an ideal time to reevaluate your career path so that it aligns with your core values and long-term vision. Your natural leadership qualities are highlighted during this period, making it easier to take initiative, overcome obstacles, and get things moving. Others are likely to see you in a favourable light, making this an excellent time to improve relationships with colleagues, superiors, or authority figures. If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to launch new projects or initiatives, now is the time to make a lasting impression and set things in motion. As the Full Moon on October 17th approaches, you may feel pulled between the pressures of work versus the demands of home and family. Be gentle with yourself and others, and pay close attention to what surfaces during this time. The insights you gain can help you create a more harmonious balance between your professional and personal life.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The Sun is activating your Ninth House of philosophy, travel, and higher learning, Aquarius, making this a powerful time for stimulating experiences and meaningful connections. Your optimism is soaring, and you’re ready for new adventures, whether through travel, study, or deep conversations. The Solar Eclipse /New Moon on October 2nd sparks your curiosity, offering fresh beginnings, especially in personal growth and expanding your worldview. You may find yourself drawn to new spiritual practices, exploring different cultures, or adopting fresh perspectives on life. As Jupiter continues its favourable relationship to your Sun, there’s an increased urge to play and express yourself creatively. This is a wonderful time for passion projects and pursuits that help you develop your talents. Allow yourself to experiment, break out of familiar routines, and stretch the boundaries of your mind. Any new initiative you start now has a good chance of taking off successfully. As the Full Moon approaches on October 17th, you’ll feel an increase in energy, especially in your interactions with others. Expect lively conversations and debates, but be mindful that passions can run high, and people may become easily offended or defensive. Practice patience with both yourself and others, and don’t let outside opinions derail your progress.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As the Sun moves through your Eighth House, themes of transformation, shared resources, and hidden aspects of life come to the forefront. The month begins with a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon on October 2nd, placing you in a cycle of rebirth, healing, and new beginnings. This is a potent time to break through inner obstacles—whether it’s lingering grief, ingrained belief systems, or emotional blockages. You’re invited to connect with your deeper self and ignite healing where it’s most needed. This inner work can have a profound impact on your relationships, allowing you to be both forthright and vulnerable with others. As you navigate these changes, focus on cultivating balanced partnerships that honour your needs. You can clear space for new relationships to flourish, attracting those who uplift your energy as you elevate theirs.  (Nice.) With Mars in a harmonious trine to your sign, you’re feeling more confident and self-assured in your interactions. This is an excellent time for business partnerships, joint investments, and mutually beneficial ventures. The Full Moon on October 17th highlights your Second House of wealth and self-worth, urging you to evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. Use this insight to eliminate anything draining your energy or resources, and protect your precious life force.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer & Tarot Reader


With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xĘ·məθkĘ·É™yĚ“É™m (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wĂş7mesh (Squamish) nations.