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Horoscopes for May & June

May 2nd, 2011


Frictions with others (especially in areas related to partnerships) have been intense for many of us over the last few months. Fortunately, as Jupiter moves into Taurus (and no longer opposes Saturn) we see a certain harmony return. An increased interest in the arts such as music, live theatre, art shows, and dance will surface. Those involved in the creative fields will find their muse close at hand! More importantly however, what we truly value has become more obvious to us. During this yearlong transit of Jupiter in Taurus, we will all be offered opportunities to celebrate what’s important to us. Use the energy from the Solar Eclipse occurring on June 1st to kick-start any fresh ideas or set your most cherished dreams into motion. It’s a time of optimism and hard work!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

There has been an awful lot of planets in your sign lately Aries, arousing your sense of ambition as well as a touch of competition! Over the last year we see that you have come into your own so-to-speak. Some of you have left a difficult situation (either work related or personal) and have foraged a new road for yourself. You are more in control of your life and if others don’t agree with you – tough titties! Some of your recent choices must have been well played because we see your earnings about to increase over the next 6 months. This is a fantastic time for business, investments, and major purchases such as real estate. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st the universe encourages you to examine your style of communication. Making this an excellent time to fine tune your professional sales pitch, or work on self-branding and promotions.

Rewarding days:

May 1, 27, 28

June 23, 24, 25

Challenging days:

May 13, 14, 15

June 10, 11

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

As a spring baby you’ll naturally feel energized at this time year Taurus. With the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in your sign, increased popularity and social outings will keep you occupied. Opportunities to take in the arts such as listening to live music or going to exhibits will fall into your lap; while new ideas and fresh inspiration will put a dance in your step! Professional responsibilities may have increased in the last few years and many of you have put in a lot of hard work and over time. Come June and lasting until summer 2012, Jupiter (the planet of luck and benefit) will be in your sign and you will enjoy more recognition for your efforts at long last! (Don’t shy away from the limelight now.) On June 1st when the Solar Eclipse occurs, set some financial goals for yourself. How can you increase your fiscal security over the six months?

Rewarding days:

May 2, 3, 4, 29, 30, 31

June 26, 27

Challenging days:

May 16, 17

June 12, 13

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

You’ve been pulled in many directions lately Gemini. Coworkers, team efforts, friends, and even family members may have been more demanding than usual; while at the same time we see that you’re dying to get back to the grind stone and get your own work done! You’re itching to get something out of your system, perhaps a creative project, or starting up a new business. Whatever it is – you need to honor that impulse and secure some time in your daily schedule to do just that. Starting this summer and lasting for a year we see you getting more in touch with your personal spiritual needs. This might require time alone from the group to simply organize your thoughts. You can certainly benefit from practices such as yoga as meditation now. As your birthday approaches, the Solar Eclipse on June 1st occurs in your sign. This is the best time all year to set your personal goals and articulate your wishes for the coming year!

Rewarding days:

May 5, 6

June 1, 2, 28, 29, 30

Challenging days:

May 18, 19

June 14, 15

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Momentous changes have occurred over the last year Cancer; particularly in matters related to home and family. Increased responsibilities are likely, indicated a residential move or change is in the works. This could also imply that someone is moving in (or out) of your home. Regardless, we see that you are in a chapter of redefining what your personal needs are and how best to create emotional security for yourself. Integral seeds that you’re planting now will come to harvest in 14 years (so be sure that your choices are made with clarity and fairness). As well at this time, new friends and support groups are surrounding you. If you need to instigate change, you are in good company to do so. (Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to play and meet new people!) The Solar Eclipse occurring on June 1st will spark a desire to address your spiritual needs — you might require some private time to contemplate life.

Rewarding days:

May 7, 8

June 3, 4

Challenging days:

May 20, 21

June 16, 17

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

The majority of planets are sitting high in your chart Leo, indicating that you are in demand! Friends, family, coworkers, and your adoring public simply can’t get enough of you (oh, it feels good to be wanted)! Jupiter the planet of luck and wealth is moving into your house of career in June (the last time this happened was in 2000) making this a fantastic time to promote yourself. More importantly however, we see that you are feeling more confident in what you bring to the table. You feel proud of your efforts and you’re secure in knowing that you deserve the recognition that will come your way. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st, be sure to set some intentions and make some wishes regarding your long-term future. While you’re at it, who are the people you want to ensure remain in your life? (You gotta know who to treat well!)

Rewarding days:

May 9, 10

June 5, 6, 7

Challenging days:

May 22, 23

June 18, 19, 20

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Areas related to finances, investments, and business have kept you on your toes Virgo! If your cash has been tied up in property leaving you feeling you have less to play with, fear not – adventure awaits! Jupiter (the planet of luck and benefit) is on the rise in your chart. Opportunities to travel to far away destinations (or least outta the neighborhood) will land in your lap. This is an excellent time to consider going abroad or living in another country for a spell. Higher education, the study of philosophy, as well as areas related to publishing and the media are also blessed. Expect to meet some interesting characters that will peel back the boundaries of your world and teach you something new. When the Solar Eclipse occur on June 1st, consider what you want to have happen in your career over the following year; and what the steps are that you need to take to see these changes take root.

Rewarding days:

May 11, 12

June 8, 9

Challenging days:

May 24, 25, 26

June 21, 22

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You may have felt a little less playful lately than your usual self, Libra. It may even feel as though the universe is trying to put obstacles in your way. Saturn (the planet of restriction and responsibility) has been in your first house for approximately one year and will be there for another year. Your lesson (should you chose to accept it) is about being accountable to yourself and those that depend on you. This can manifest in many different ways, such as a commitment to a new business, having a child, or even getting married. As long as you’re maintaining your integrity while still being reliable, you will get through this time just fine. In fact, a ‘new you’ is beginning to emerge! Physical exercise, as well anything to strengthen your mind (such as learning a language) will greatly benefit you now. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st ask yourself what areas of study you would like pursue (no matter how frivolous they may seem).

Rewarding days:

May 13, 14, 15

June 10, 11

Challenging days:

May 1, 27, 28

June 23, 24, 25

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your world is changing in some big ways Scorpio. Large chapters of your life will be closing now, but the good news is that these chapters needed to be closed, because you are preparing for whole new cycle starting in the fall of 2012. Some of you may shift careers, go from being single to being married, child-free to becoming a parent, or change your residence – even across continents. Old ways of doing things simply don’t work anymore and now you must adapt. This will be awkward, and even frustrating at times, but it’s all part growing into your full potential as a person. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st put aside some time to address your personal needs. What parts of yourself are you burying in order to survive? Perhaps it’s time to let these sides emerge.

Rewarding days:

May 16, 17

June 12, 13

Challenging days:

May 2, 3, 4, 29, 30, 31

June 26, 27

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your hard work and efforts are paying off Sag! Over the last few years you’ve found a good group of people to surround yourself with and their support is making a difference in your life. While certain friendships had to change (or even end) we see that your personal integrity remains intact. Professionally you are performing well within a team context – this is a good time to align yourself with others who share your worldview and ambitions. When Jupiter moves into your 6th house on June 4th your work environment will improve considerably! (Perhaps an evil coworker moves away and someone good-natured takes his or her place.) Regardless, we see that you are feeling more committed and rewarded to the day-to-day tasks you perform. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st put aside some time to ask yourself what you need in your partnerships with others. This is an excellent time to recruit allies!

Rewarding days:

May 18, 19

June 14, 15

Challenging days:

May 5, 6

June 1, 2, 28, 29, 30

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You’re looking good these days Capricorn! Accolades, praise, and increased attention from others are to be expected now. Bosses, VIP’s, parents, teachers, and even authority figures are about to commend you for a job well done. It’s highly likely that your responsibilities will also increase — possibly resulting in a job promotion or a new position altogether. Jupiter has been in your 4th house and is set to move into your 5th house in early June. Many of you will be blessed with children, or will welcome someone new into the fold (even a pet!). In the coming months your creative juices will be flowing. This is an excellent time for those involved in any type of creative endeavor, be that professional or simply a side passion. When the Solar Eclipse occurs on June 1st, use this energy to instigate some fresh changes in your health routines. Give your body the right kind of love!

Rewarding days:

May 20, 21

June 16, 17

Challenging days:

May 7, 8

June 3, 4

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a very strong time in your life Aquarius. Beginning in Oct 2012 when Saturn moves into your 10th house, a number of milestones will occur in both your personal and professional life. Meanwhile however, this is a key time of preparations for you! Any time and resources put into areas of education, training, or anything that expands your current world will be well worth it. In effect, you’ll be graduating from one level to the next, so the more prepared you are for that, the better. Presently, Jupiter (the planet of luck and benefit) is moving into your 4th house of home and family. This is a lovely time to expand your family unit, deepen close ties, and create a better living environment for yourself. Those of you in the real estate markets can do well now! On June 1st use the energy from the Solar Eclipse to harness your deep-seated need to express yourself.

Rewarding days:

May 22, 23

June 18, 19, 20

Challenging days:

May 9, 10

June 5, 6, 7

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Resources that you have grown accustomed to (such as the earnings of a spouse, or benefits from an employer) may have been diminishing recently Pisces. This is the universe encouraging you to spread your wings of independence – embrace this! Over the next few months Jupiter (the planet of luck and attraction) moves into your third house of intelligence, learning, and communications. Use this time to connect with others and express what YOU believe in. All types of writing, advertising, promotions, selling, as well teaching, learning, and studying are supremely blessed now. The Solar Eclipse occurring on June 1st offer you an opportunity to set your goals and make your intentions known in matters related to home and family. Anything you can do to enhance the wellbeing at home will go well. You will find you’re spending more quality time with those you love dearly (awww…).

Rewarding days:

May 24, 25, 26

June 21, 22

Challenging days:

May 11, 12

June 8, 9

Categories: Sun Sign Column
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