Spring Forward 2013 Astrological Forecast
dddddddd Mercury Retrograde may slow down communications and create glitches in the work place until it goes direct on March 18th. Old patterns and problems might surface again. Challenges or mechanical errors to do with vehicles, computers, and appliances can be frustrating. Nonetheless, it can be excellent time for any kind of research or investigative work. It’s a great time to tackle old projects that have been gathering dust and breath new life into them. Old friends and past lovers will make appearances in the flesh or in your inbox. Use this time to let go of past emotional attachments. When the Sun moves into Aries and spring makes it’s official entrance, we are ready to begin anew!
You will need some time for introspection as your birthday approaches, Aries. Getting space to reassess a situation will help you clear your head. Look back at past events that were similar and you will see a pattern emerge. This might reveal what your inner desires and needs are, or it could reveal areas you might need to improve upon. Either way, it will help shed some light on how to deal with the present. When the sun moves into your sign on March 20th you will feel a surge of energy and renewed motivation move through you – excellent! Your fighting spirit pushes you to new heights. Personal relationships and close friendships will be exciting and fun.
March 12, 13, 14
April 8, 9, 10
Challenging days:
March 27, 28
April 23, 24
You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get down to the brass tacks, Taurus. You want to see results for your efforts and you’re going to make an action plan. This is an excellent time to review past efforts and breath new life into them. Old business will get wrapped up once and for all. When Mercury turns direct on March 18th things begin to run more smoothly, and you feel energized in your new enterprises. You will discover strategies within yourself that are highly effective; this will be deeply satisfying. Your sense of self-worth increases, as does your earning potential! You might be surprised by the support and admiration you get from friends and professional circles. Others are keen to have you on their team.
Lucky days:
March 14, 15, 16
April 11, 12
Challenging days:
March 1, 2, 29, 30
April 25, 26
Your long-term goals and your career direction is taking shape now, Gemini. It’s a key time to connect with others and discuss your wishes openly. Friends and colleagues are willing to support you now, making this a good time to get your toe in the door. Bosses, superiors, teachers, and even authority figures are willing to listen to you. Old moneymaking ideas you had shelved are back on the table. Projects that had stalled get a fresh kick at the can. You’re feeling more physically energized as well. Team sports or group events can be uplifting. Romantic connections are tender; you’re feeling more secure about where you stand. Past issues come back around, but this time you have more to offer.
Lucky days:
March17, 18, 19
April 13, 14 15
Challenging days:
March 4, 5
April 1, 2, 27, 28

Spiritual ideals, philosophies, plus questions about morality and ethics may get you thinking now, Cancer. (Heady topics to say the least!) You’re looking for meaning in this big ol’ world. You might feel like you’re going back over old territory, but in fact your finding things you missed the first time around. Conversations with others that had been tabled may be revisited now. You’re clearing up old business, but at the same time you will feel compelled to make improvements as you go. Just bear in mind that with Mercury retrograde, the waters may feel muddy for the time being. After March 18th you will see solutions to many matters including some you thought were lost causes. Kewl hey?
Lucky days:
March 19, 20, 21
April 16, 17
Challenging days:
March 6, 7
April 1, 2, 29, 30
Some private time may be in order now, Leo. You need the space to get your thoughts in order. Meditation, simple exercise, or other activities that can quiet your mind will be beneficial now. This is high time to look within and discover qualities within yourself that have been shelved (for whatever reason) and you will inject new life into them. You’re reclaiming treasures from within, reacquainting yourself with your dreams. As the spring progresses you can expect to share these rediscovered talents and dreams with the world around you. Practical matters at home also draw your attention. Clear out clutter spots such as closets and storage spaces. It’s time to get the positive energy running through your life!
Lucky days:
March 22, 23
April 18, 19, 20
Challenging days:
March 8, 9
April 5, 6
Hold onto your horses there, Virgo, you’re in for a busy time. Mercury is in retrograde, but opposite your sign creating delays and confusion. It’s key you use your sense of precision and your eye for details to catch the mistakes now. Be patient with others as we’re all caught in this retrograde together. Lovers and friends from the past may come into your world asking for a second chance. Keep in mind you likely already got a good read on them from the first go ‘round (do you need the headache?). In April, your magnetism increases, attracting favorable financial and romantic opportunities your way. Classes, studying, and vocational training are not wasted. Sign-up for a weekend workshop and get your thinking cap on!
Lucky days:
March 24, 25, 26
April 6, 7, 8
Challenging days:
March 10, 11
April 21, 22
Communication challenges with coworkers, friends, and partners can be irksome to say the least, Libra. You want to get a clear read on situations and the motivations of others. It’s best to be patient and go with the flow throughout March. Come April you might feel compelled to speak up about a situation that you can no longer tolerate. This can prove to be an excellent opportunity to create the necessary change! If you’re the extroverted type however, you might come across as bossy now (just sayin’). Dust off you rollerblades, or give your bike a tune-up, it’s time to get out and get your blood pumping. Conversations and debates with others about politics and social issues can be stimulating.
Lucky days:
March 1, 27, 28
April 23, 24
Challenging days:
March 12, 13
April 9, 10
It’s time to sharpen your tools, Scorpio. An objective review of your personal talents and skill-sets has already been in the works. Now is the time to figure out what areas to specialize in. All forms of study and education are blessed now. You are ready to learn, hone, and define your niche. Even hobbies and life areas of recreation and fun can benefit. Get thee to a workshop, a conference, or a class so you can share your ideas with likeminded souls! New friendships can begin and existing friendships broaden. Romance and play is exciting this April. As well, your creative energies will be on high, making it a great time to delve into new projects or take your product to market.
Lucky days:
March 2, 3
April 25, 26
Challenging days:
March 14, 15, 16
April 11, 12
Put your money where your mouth is, Sagittarius! You’re ready to share your talents and knowledge with the world, but you gotta walk the talk if you want others to get on board with your ideas. Increased play and excitement with friends, family members, and potential lovers (oh my) are inspiring for you now. This energy supports you getting your ideas off the ground, good! It’s an excellent time to approach others to help you reach a goal; especially if this is a goal you’ve had for a while. Moneymaking ventures that have been on the back burner get a renewed boost now. Lovers from the past may turn up and want to rekindle something – give this some careful thought before jumping back in.
Lucky days:
March 4, 5
April 1, 2, 28, 29
Challenging days:
March 17, 18, 19
April 13, 14
Lasting changes are in the works for you, Capricorn. Be that in areas connected to your work life, or your home life. A residential move or renovation may stir things up in the next few months. This can alter the dynamics with family members or partners. If you’ve been letting things ride and not speaking up about something, you can bet you’ll make your point of view known now. Conversely, those that have a major influence in your world (family members, lovers, and employers) may have something key to share with you. Keep an open mind when listening to the perspectives of others now. Regardless, you will see headway and progress even if things get uncomfortable for a bit.
Lucky days:
March 6, 7
April 3, 4, 30
Challenging days:
March 21, 22
April 16, 17
Say hello to your pocket book, Aquarius! You’re more aware of what you have and what you don’t have at this time. You might find yourself building or expanding on moneymaking strategies that you had worked on previously. It’s best to hold-off on investing in financial opportunities that are completely new until after Mercury goes direct on March 18th, however business as usual can still grow. It’s highly likely that you will rediscover qualities within yourself that add to your personal self-worth. This might be in reflection to your professional career, or you might find it relates more to your inner, personal world. You sense of personal power and value is increasing!
Lucky days:
March 8, 9
April 4, 5
Challenging days:
March 22, 23
April 19, 20
Happy Birthday dear Pisces! This is your time of year to recharge your batteries while the sun moves through your sign. Mercury is retrograde in your sign until March 18th and this can greatly affect your thinking process, Pisces. Going back over old ground may seem repetitive, but it can be a good thing. Use this time to correct old mistakes, improve on existing concepts, and fine-tune the details. As well, interesting people from your past will pop-up on your radar. You might run into old lovers and friends, or get flashes of memories (when you least expect it). This can be an excellent time to settle old business and let that water roll under the bridge once and for all (nice).
Lucky days:
March 10, 11
April 6, 7, 8
Challenging days:
March 25, 26
April 21, 22
To book a personal reading with Kelly, contact her at: kelly@kellybenson.ca