Summer Lovin’ 2013 – Scroll below to find your forecast by sign.
ALL SIGNS The Sun moves through Cancer and Leo as we celebrate the heart of the summer months (oh, I do love these long days!). Jupiter the great benefic, considered the planet of abundance, has just moved into Cancer and will continue its transit for another year. This influence provides a nurturing energy that supports us emotionally and physically. Pleasant moods within family dynamics are easier to achieve, making this is a ‘feel good’ transit! Mercury has just gone retrograde for it’s second time this year throwing a monkey wrench into the best-laid plans. Technical glitches, scheduling delays, and goof-ups with transportation can occur. (Keep a slush fund on hand for repairs.) Use this time of Retrograde Mercury to call up old friends and remises about the good ol’ days. Dust off past projects get the ball rolling again! The major square between Pluto and Uranus will be working its cosmic concoction to dismantle outdated patterns of social structures on a world scale (revolution anyone?). We are encouraged (whether we like it or not) to push past limiting situations that have been holding us back. Fasten your seatbelts folks – the ride is about to get very interesting!
ARIES Resources that you have grown accustomed to (such as the earnings of a spouse, or benefits from an employer) may have been diminishing or held up somehow, Aries. No doubt it’s frustrating, but it’s Saturn’s way of teaching you independence and responsibility. You’re getting stronger! This summer and lasting for a year, Jupiter (the planet of luck and benefit) is moving into your fourth house of home and family. This is a lovely time to expand your family unit, deepen close ties, and create a better living environment for yourself. Emotional connections are blessed and healings can take place now. Those of you in the real estate markets can do well! Renovations and redecorating projects might also be in the works.
Rewarding days:
July 1, 27, 28
August 23, 24

July 4, 5, 6, 31
August 1, 2, 28, 29

July 7, 8
August 3, 4, 5, 30, 31Challenging days:
July 21, 22
August 17, 18

LEO Momentous changes have occurred over the last year Leo; particularly in matters related to home and family. Increased responsibilities are likely, indicated a residential change or family dynamic shift is in the works. This could also imply that someone is moving in (or out) of your home. Regardless, we see that you are in a chapter of redefining what your personal needs are and how best to create security for yourself. Important seeds that you’re planting now will come to harvest in fourteen years. This summer and lasting for the next year Jupiter moves into your twelfth house and we see you getting more in touch with spiritual needs. This might require time alone to organize your thoughts and reflect. You can certainly benefit from practices such as yoga as meditation now.
Rewarding days:
July 9, 10, 11
August 6, 7
Challenging days:
July 23, 24
August 19, 20
VIRGO You are in demand, Virgo! Friends, family, coworkers, and your adoring public simply can’t get enough of you (oh, it feels good to be wanted). This is an excellent time to learn about yourself, your needs, wants, desires, and your values through communications with others. Your environment and the day-to-day world around you, has been shifting recently Virgo. This may be due to a move, or a change in your social milieu. You are restructuring your world to reflect your needs more accurately. New friends and groups begin to emerge this year and they’ll influence you in positive ways. Fresh outlooks are welcomed as you start to play and explore. Your idealistic and humanitarian values will become more pronounced!
Rewarding days:
July 12, 13
August 8, 9
Challenging days:
July 25, 26
August 21, 22
LIBRA Areas related to finances, investments, and business have kept you on your toes, Libra. If your cash has been tied up in property leaving you feeling you have less to play with, fear not – adventure and abundance calls! Jupiter the planet of luck and wealth just moved into your house of career, making this a fantastic time to promote yourself or a cause you believe in. Others see you as a natural leader and they’re happy to support you (work with this baby!). Most importantly however, we see that you are feeling more confident in what you bring to the table. You feel proud of your efforts and you’re secure in knowing that you deserve the recognition that will come your way.
Rewarding days:
July 14, 15
August 10, 11, 12
Challenging days:
July 1, 27, 28
August 23, 24
SCORPIO You may have felt a little less playful lately, Scorpio. Fear not! Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is about being accountable to yourself and those that depend on you. You’re being pushed to evaluate your responsibilities and redefine your commitments. This can manifest as growing your business, becoming a parent (again), or solidifying a partnership. Maintain your integrity and as you get comfortable with your new role you’ll find others are more supportive. Jupiter, the planet of luck is on the rise in your chart. Opportunities to travel or experience adventure will land in your lap. This is an excellent time to consider going back to school or living in another country for a spell.
Rewarding days:
July 16, 17, 18
August 13, 14
Challenging days:
July 2, 3, 29, 30
August 25, 26, 27
SAGITTARIUS Your world is changing in big ways Sagittarius. Chapters of your life will be closing now, but the good news is that these chapters needed to be closed, because you are preparing for whole new cycle. You may shift careers, go from being single to being married, child-free to becoming a parent, or changing your residence – even across continents! Old ways of doing things simply don’t work anymore and you must adapt. It’s all part of growing into your full potential as a person. Meanwhile, Jupiter is moving into your eighth house encouraging and supporting your personal transformation on a deeper level. Heartfelt and intimate connections with others can develop in ways that will greatly impact you!
Rewarding days:
July 19, 20
August 15, 16
Challenging days:
July 4, 5, 6, 31
August 1, 2, 28, 29
CAPRICORN Your hard work and efforts are paying off Capricorn! Over the last few years you’ve found a good group of people to surround yourself with and their support is making a difference in your life. While certain connections had to change (or end) we see that your personal integrity remains intact. Use this time to to align yourself with others who share your worldview and ambitions. One-to-one encounters are more meaningful and assist you to expand your perspective. All kinds of partnerships, be that business or marital, friendships, and working relationships, are beneficial for you – others want you on their team. (This is not the time to play the lone wolf, oh no!) Connections with people from other cultures and different backgrounds will be meaningful.
Rewarding days:
July 21, 22
August 17, 18
Challenging days:
July 7, 8
August 3, 4, 5, 30, 31
AQUARIUS You’re looking good these days Aquarius! Accolades, praise, and increased attention from others are to be expected now. Bosses, VIP’s, parents, teachers, and even authority figures are about to commend you for a job well done. It’s highly likely that your responsibilities will also increase — possibly resulting in a job promotion or a new position altogether. Jupiter just moved into your sixth house making it so that your work environment will improve considerably! (Perhaps an evil coworker moves away and someone good-natured takes his or her place.) Regardless, we see that you are feeling more committed and fulfilled in your craft. You begin to discover a greater sense of purpose as things fall into place. Healings are possible and your health benefits during this transit.
Rewarding days:
July 23, 24
August 19, 20
Challenging days:
July 9, 10, 11
August 6, 7
PISCES This is a very strong time in your life, Pisces! When Saturn moves into your tenth house in at the beginning of 2015, a career peak occurs that affects you both personally and professionally. Meanwhile, this is an important time of preparations! Any efforts put into areas of education, training, or anything that expands your current worldview will be well worth it. It’s like you’re graduating from one level of life to the next. Jupiter just moved into your fifth house too, making this is a blessed time for all forms of creativity and play. (Let your hair down kiddo!) It can also mean the expansion of your family through marriage, birth, and adoption. Romantic opportunities can blossom this coming year. You might welcome someone new into the fold (even a pet!).
Rewarding days:
July 25, 26
August 21, 22
Challenging days:
July 12, 13
August 8, 9
To book a personal reading with Kelly, contact her at: