ARIES (March 21-April 19)As your birthday approaches some reflective time is in order Aries, as you consider the past year and realign your objectives. Once the sun moves into your sign it becomes your time of year to re-energize yourself. You’re vitality increases making you ready to embrace new experiences. You’re eager to learn more about the world around you. You may find that you’re attracted to people who are different than you or unusual in some way. Time spent with children will be playful and fun. If partners or authority figures are not agreeing with your point of view you’re going to tell them where to go! (C`mon, nobody is the boss of you!) OK, that said, try to use some diplomacy. On the other hand, friends and partners might push you to achieve and help you realize your goals. Happy Birthday!
Rewarding Days:
Mar 2, 3, 29, 30
April 26, 27, 28Challenging Days:
Mar 16, 17, 18
April 13, 14, 15
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
You’ve got your eye on the prize now, Taurus. You want to see results and you’re willing to stop at nothing! Be aware that your inner perfectionist is rearing its head (and it could be a little bit difficult in a work environment). Others might feel intimidated by your stamina. The more you can encourage camaraderie and team spirit, the better off you will be. You have a lot of excess energy and it needs to go somewhere. You will fair well if you can blow some steam at the gym, join a running group, or get your yoga on. You also need to take some personal time to reflect on the past year, as you get ready for your personal new year ahead. Your birthday is coming!Rewarding Days:
Mar 4, 5, 6, 31
April 1, 2, 28, 29Challenging Days:
Mar 19, 20, 21
April 15, 16, 17

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
It looks like your social calendar is going to be full this spring, Gemini (surprise!). Opportunities to expand your friendship circles abound. You’re eager to meet new and unusual people with like-minded interests. Workshops, classes and conferences are likely. You’re bursting with creative energy and you need an outlet. It’s a time of expression, so get ready to let your artistic nature fly! You might find you’re a little bit more competitive than usual. If this is the case, use this as a healthy drive to further your creative objectives. Recreation, travel, and play take the front seat (discipline and caution are in the trunk). Single Gemini’s can expect to attract playful suitors. Married Gemini’s might get a little experimental (wink, wink).Rewarding Days:
Mar 6, 7, 8
April 3, 4, 5, 30Challenging Days:
Mar 21, 22, 23
April 17, 18, 19

CANCER (June 21-July 22)
You’re caught between the demands of work, and the demands of your home and family, Cancer. (Responsibilities to family members are going to take precedence now.) Your community, especially coworkers or bosses, plus parents and teachers, are admiring the choices that you’re making. You’re not afraid to take the bull by the horns and tell people what really needs to happen! You might even be a bit revolutionary in your ideas. The month of April will be particularly busy. You might get a little restless and moody (hang in there kiddo!). Do your best to be patient and stay clear on what your real objectives are. You can expect a significant milestone to be achieved during this time. Steady as she goes.Rewarding Days:
Mar 9, 10, 11
April 5, 6, 7Challenging Days:
Mar 23, 24, 25
April 19, 20, 21

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
You can expect to be pretty busy this spring, Leo. You’ve got places to go, people to see and things to do — you’re hot to trot! Nonetheless, you’re craving a little bit of quiet time to reflect. You need some time to review your goals and objectives. As you turn inward, old thought patterns and ways you used to look at the world don’t apply anymore – so you’re revising your plan. You’re ridding yourself of limiting attitudes that have been holding you back. This is the time to liberate yourself from fears and anxieties (and you will do it with style). You might push yourself way past the comfort zone and even become a trailblazer for others. (You are a natural leader after all!)Rewarding Days:
Mar 11, 12, 13
April 8, 9, 10Challenging Days:
Mar 25, 26, 27
April 21, 22, 23

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You’ve been working very hard lately, Virgo. You may feel you’re not getting the credit you deserve. It’s all too easy to become jealous or envious of those who appear to have more. (Remember that your financial position is not a reflection of your personal worth.) Keep up your faith in your own abilities, ’cause you got ’em! You’re getting close to making quite a few changes to your world Virgo. Friends, families, coworkers as well as people from your community play an important role in your spiritual lessons this spring. Accept any invitations that come your way. You’re sphere of influence increases. Romantic opportunities can be exciting and passionate. Many Virgos will be making a major commitment this year.Rewarding Days:
Mar 14, 15, 16
April 10, 11, 12Challenging Days:
Mar 1, 2, 27, 28, 29
April 23, 24, 25

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
As a cardinal sign you have been getting hit by a lot of different aspects lately, Libra. Recently you stood up for something that you believe in (it took guts!) and you saw some results. The goal now is to maintain this faith, and continue to plough ahead. Your classic peacemaking nature will be tested, especially in April. Exercise caution and discipline since it’s all too easy to fly off the handle (and blow all this great work you’ve done — who wants that?). Get out for walks or hit the gym when you feel the sparks of irritation fly. Opportunities and support from those with influence and power are available to you, tap into that.Rewarding Days:
Mar 16, 17, 18
April 13, 14, 15Challenging Days:
Mar 2, 3, 29, 30
April 26, 27, 28
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Feelings of unease, irritability, and resentments can come to the surface now, Scorpio. Old memories and issues that haven’t been dealt with might rear their heads (eek!). It’s imperative that you do a little reflection and soul searching to get past these. Speaking out in anger isn’t going to help you. Instead, speak out with an objective or purpose that is true to you, and you’re more likely to attain your goal. You might be asked to take on more responsibilities; you will rise to this challenge and perform well. This spring be sure to do something that makes you feel active, primal, productive — maybe it’s time to build a new garden shed, rip apart the garage or reorganize your closet. There’s a classic Scorpio purge and rebirth on the rise!Rewarding Days:
Mar 19, 20, 21
April 15, 16, 17Challenging Days:
Mar 4, 5, 6, 31
April 1, 2, 28, 29

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The desire to spread your wings and fly free is strong right now, Sagittarius. There’s a creative force that is bubbling up inside you and it needs an outlet. Inspired projects and recreational pursuits are likely now. Time spent with children will be playful and fun. Be aware that while some friendships might bring out a healthy competition, other friendships might be testy, or prone to conflict (who wants that?). If others are trying to impose their will on you or control the situation, you will be pushed to rebel! Some people are drawn to you now because you’re feeling more outspoken and courageous. Social issues, community projects, and even office politics are all areas in which you’re willing to instigate change.Rewarding Days:
Mar 21, 22, 23
April 17, 18, 19Challenging Days:
Mar 6, 7, 8
April 3, 4, 5, 30

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Significant shifts on the home front have kept you busy lately, Capricorn. Some of you might be experiencing a renovation, a residential move, or maybe just a big purge! Regardless, we see a lot of activity around the nest and within the dynamic at home. Challenges with parents or children may have generated friction recently. This spring breakthroughs and resolutions with family members are possible. Partners (marital and business) are more cooperative and ready to help. Weekend getaways or mini vacations with friends or lovers are playful and fun (a little spring skiing anyone?). Avoid pushing your agenda with bosses or superiors; it may take a while before they can see your point of view.Rewarding Days:
Mar 23, 24, 25
April 19, 20, 21Challenging Days:
Mar 9, 10, 11
April 5, 6, 7

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This spring marks an excellent time to get more education or training in some way, Aquarius. You can expect a time of increased study or research about topics that will help you grow in a professional way. Meetings and group events are also a fun feature. You’re ready to take on more responsibilities at this time, and your sphere of influence begins to grow. You might even take on an authoritative role within your community (cool!). Look for experiences that help open you to new dimensions or belief systems. Don’t waste energy defending old ideas. The stubborn side of your nature might rear its head, put it to good use instead of holding you back. (Others need you in their corner.)Rewarding Days:
Mar 25, 26, 27
April 21, 22, 23Challenging Days:
Mar 11, 12, 13
April 8, 9, 10

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Happy birthday my dear Pisces! The sun is moving through your sign and it’s time for you to recharge. You’re attracting opportunities and adventure (how exciting!). Friction from the outside world might arise by testing your faith. Fortunately, your dreams and intuition will be particularly strong right now thus protecting you. Your imagination is heightened making this a wonderful time for all forms of creative pursuits. Your earnings can increase right now, however your spending can too! Be aware of impulse purchases, or business deals that seem too good to be true (they just might be). Dealing with financial matters, such as bookkeeping, budgeting, taxes, insurance and estate matters, can be tidied-up leaving you feeling relieved. You’re willing to hold your ground and stick to your guns.Rewarding Days:
Mar 1, 2, 27, 28, 29
April 23, 24, 25Challenging Days:
Mar 14, 15, 16
April 10, 11, 12
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