Home > Sun Sign Column > Slide into Spring ….

Slide into Spring ….

March 1st, 2015




All signs:

Sun moves through intuitive and sympathetic Pisces as the grip of winter softens and the land slowly awakens. The vernal equinox occurring on March 20th marks the beginning of the astrological New Year and Aries season. On the same day we also experience a solar eclipse, making this a very powerful weekend indeed! Emotional truths come to light and we can clearly see our deeper needs and desires. We are energized by this sun/ moon conjunction and ready to take action to better ourselves. This is a highly auspicious time to meditate and consider where you want to put your precious life-giving energy. Goal setting exercises, vision boarding, or any kind of intension setting is greatly favored. We’re ready to throw ourselves into our work or begin a new venture. Get outside and breath in the fresh spring air! Do something to get your blood moving (but not boiling!).



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Get ready Aries! The Sun moves into your sign on March 20th marking the spring equinox and punctuated with a solar eclipse. Huzzzah! This is powerful year ahead for you. You’re energized and ready for new experiences. Any projects or initiatives that you have in the works are about to step into high gear. You’re filled with vim and vigor and eager to sink your teeth into something. The natural leader in you will be coming out. You are looking at life from an original and idealistic point of view. All forms of creativity are blessed. It can also be a very fertile time for those who wish to conceive. Tensions can get a bit high before and after the full moon occurring on April the 4th, demonstrate grace under pressure.

Lucky days:
March 20, 21
April 17, 18

Challenging days:
March 7, 8
April 3, 4, 5, 30




Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your birthday is fast approaching Taurus, making this is a good time to reflect on the past year. Take a moment to consider the progress you’ve made in your work, your career at large, in your relationships with others, and also at home. Give yourself some credit and savor your accomplishments. When looking to the year ahead consider what you want to achieve, or what you want to continue investing in. The Taurus New Moon on May 17 is an excellent time to meditate on your personal year ahead. Matters to do with the wealth of a partner (business or marital), shared responsibilities, long-term investments, and family money might be on your mind. Investing in property or a family business is favored this year.

Lucky days:
March 22, 23
April 19, 20

Challenging days:
March 9, 10, 11
April 6, 7



Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Relationships in all their forms are a key theme for you now, Gemini. You are growing and changing and your one-to-one relationships with others will reflect this. While some connections are likely to be tested potentially creating some tension, it’s important that you remain true to your own moral code. Nonetheless, this is an excellent time to foster good relations with everyone. New friends, neighbors, and people from groups of a common interest are catching your attentions. You’re eager to share your ideas and insights making workshops and classes appealing. Invitations for weekend getaways, short trips, and out of town events will entice you. Romantic connections where there is a meeting of the minds are highly possible! You’re sure to feel mentally stimulated this spring!

Lucky days:
March 24, 25, 26
April 21, 22

Challenging days:
March 12, 13
April 8, 9



Cancer (June 21-July 22)

If you find your thoughts turning towards career, reputation and your status now, don’t be surprised. You’re being called towards a leadership role (perhaps more than one) and others are looking to you for guidance. While this might feel a little daunting Cancer, it’s time for you to shine! Responsibilities at work might be increasing, however you’re sure to be compensated for it since your earnings are increasing too. Looking to improve your role or change your job? This is the year to go for it! You’re likely to be very busy this spring – events, festivities, parties, and social gatherings are all on the playbill. Big-ticket purchases, or investments in real estate are highly likely in the next few months too. Git at ‘er!

Lucky days:
March 1, 27, 28
April 23, 24

Challenging days:
March 14, 15
April 10, 11, 12



Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a wonderful time to spread your wings and take your power, Leo. Opportunities to travel or further your education are easily obtained. In particular travel to further your education or travel for work will be appealing now. Creative projects that you began last year (or at least began to think about) are taking shape now. Getting others on board with your ideas will be as easy as pie — you could sell ice cubes to Eskimos! Give some thought to your creative potential and how you can harness or channel it. This is a great year to give structure and discipline to your creative pursuits. Many Leo’s will also expand their family this summer be that through birth, adoption, or marriage. Enjoy!

Lucky days:
March 2, 3, 29, 30, 31
April 25, 26, 27

Challenging days:
March 16, 17
April 13, 14



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This spring season ushers in an excellent time of taking stock, dear Virgo. A little inventory session will benefit you a great deal. Consider your personal estate and how you are growing that wealth. A little revision to the ol’ budget might be in order. You’ll see some areas where you can shave back and some other areas you’ll want to invest in more. At the same time, you’ll find you’re also getting in touch with your own sense personal power. Making you ready for action! It’s highly likely that throughout this year your earnings increase considerably. It might be due to the fact you’re demanding more from the world around you. Hey, you’re worth it baby!

Lucky days:
March 4, 5, 6
April 1, 2, 28, 29

Challenging days:
March 18, 19
April 15, 16



Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The Sun teams up with impulsive Uranus and sits opposite your sign this spring, Libra. Key relationships might be unpredictable or leave you guessing as you try to understand the motivation of your partner. The more you allow a relationship unfold (and try not to control it) the easier it will be. Utilize your charming, peace-loving nature and you will roll with things in style! This is an excellent time to attract interesting people and opportunities to you. Single Librans are in for an exciting ride! This is a wonderful time for making new friends, getting outside, mixing up your routines, and having a little fun. The full Moon on April 4th will be in your sign. You might need to take some time to rest and recharge.

Lucky days:
March 7, 8
April 3, 4, 5, 30

Challenging days:
March 20, 21
April 17, 18



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If you’re thinking of beefing up your training or education in some way, Scorpio then this is the time to act! Getting a license or certificate, or even learning a new program will benefit you greatly. You’re taking your work very seriously and you want to deliver a quality service or product. You’re currently taking the steps to ensure you can put your money where your mouth is. Openings in your career, or new job opportunities will present themselves. Travel for work is also likely now too. Many Scorpios are considering investing in their home, real estate, or anything that will promote a sense of financial security. This is an excellent time to review your options. Relationships are particularly sweet and sexy this spring. Yummy!

Lucky days:
March 9, 10, 11
April 6, 7

Challenging days:
March 22, 23
April 19, 20




Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Matters to do with education, intellectual growth, and your personal value system are top of mind, Sagittarius. You can greatly benefit from any kind of training or discipline building activities now. Key relationships might also be undergoing a test at this time. Your freedom loving instincts are calling you to (perceived) greener pastures. When in truth, you might need to stick around and see things through. As you continue to respect yourself and respect others, you’ll be operating to an agreeable moral code. In the long run, you are building your backbone and getting ready for a major commitment to something. Keep in mind that true wisdom is gained by experience, and often responsibility goes hand-in-hand with it.

Lucky days:
March 12, 13
April 8, 9

Challenging days:
March 24, 25, 26
April 21, 22



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Can you feel something shifting in your bones, Capricorn? The winds of change are in the air. Adjustments on the home front might have your attentions this spring. Residential moves, renovations, or shifts to your family dynamic are also possible. You might find yourself pushed to let go of something, be that an idea or a belief system, or maybe a relationship. Any attitudes or mental habits that no longer work for you are soon to be a thing of the past. It’s important that you recognize your own personal self-worth and respect yourself. You are ready to receive more, as well as to give more in your important relationships — be that at home, romantically, or even in your job.

Lucky days:
March 14, 15
April 10, 11, 12

Challenging days:
March 1, 27, 28
April 23, 24



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Recently you’ve made some major changes to your circumstances in some way, Aquarius. That could be in the form of a key relationship, your living situation, or maybe even your career. You’re likely to be feeling more secure about your social and economic standing now. (Good for you!) This spring ushers in a time of establishing yourself within a new community – be that a neighborhood, a business community, or within a new group of friends. You’re eager to meet with like-minded people who agree with your values and inspire you. Building quality connections and meaningful relationships are an important theme now. Have a party or get out there and show your face and social events, others are thrilled to see you!

Lucky days:
March 16, 17
April 13, 14

Challenging days:
March 2, 3, 29, 30, 31
April 25, 26, 2




Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Others might be looking to you for guidance now or expect you to be the voice of authority. While you’re not one for posturing Pisces, it’s important that you stand up for your beliefs. (It’s time to put your grown-up pants on, kiddo!) Your career is opening up and lots of new opportunities are arising. You’re likely to get an increase in your earnings this spring too. (Not too shabby!) Keep in mind, the less you believe in yourself the less likely you will rise to the challenge. Therefore it’s imperative that you have faith in yourself, your abilities, and what you’re going after — and you will successfully weather through any challenges that arise! Be sure to get the rest you need and take care of your body.

Lucky days:
March 18, 19
April 15, 16

Challenging days:
March 4, 5, 6
April 1, 2, 28, 29

To book a personal reading, contact Kelly at: kelly@kellybenson.cawww.kellybenson.ca@ End


Categories: Sun Sign Column
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