Home > Sun Sign Column > Uranus in Taurus + New Moon

Uranus in Taurus + New Moon

May 10th, 2018

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Rape of Europa by Martin de Vos



The temperature warms up and the daylight hours get nice and long as the Sun makes its way through Taurus. Mother-Nature blesses us with new life and we too are encouraged to embrace this time of growth! Let’s celebrate the divine feminine at the New Moon in Taurus on May 15th. This is a wonderful time to invest in ourselves and actively co-create with the world around us. On the same day, powerful and revolutionary Uranus moves from fiery Aries (where it’s been since 2011) into grounded, earth-based Taurus where it will remain for the next seven years. Situations that become overly ridged or left you feeling stuck are likely to change in potent ways. Check your sign below to get a few highlights on what to expect…

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

As the Sun travels through your Second House of earnings, possessions and wealth, it’s soon to be joined by Uranus the change-maker! It’s time to clear your proverbial garden of any rubble that’s obscuring your ability to cultivate wealth. That includes valuing yourself and the world you inhabit. You’ll be getting clear on what really matters to you and you might be pushed to go beneath the surface. You might find yourself rejecting conventional value systems in order to find your authentic voice. This can also manifest in changes to your job scene and vocation.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th stimulates your Second House: Tap into this powerful growth time to nurture your sense of self-worth, personal values and your inner strength. It’s a sweet time for investing in material comforts that help you feel more secure.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Happy Birthday Season, Taurus! Are you ready to cut away the obstacles that have been holding you back from attaining your dreams? (If you don’t weed your garden, who will?) Game changer Uranus is moving into your sign for the first time since the 1930s, kicking off a seven-year cycle of personal growth. How you relate to others will undergo a liberating change. (Yes, as a fixed earth sign, the idea of change is uncomfortable, but remember it’s change that’s for the better!) You’re moving towards having more honest and satisfying relationships with others.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th occurs in your First House: This is the only new moon all year that occurs in your sign! Use this time to focus on yourself and find your voice. It’s a hot time for new beginnings, self-discovery and developing your courage!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You might be in a more reflective space at this time since your birthday is approaching. Take the time to look back at your last year with a gentle detachment. Uranus the rebel moves into your house of spiritual values, memories and inner sight. Habitual ways of viewing the world will be pushed to change. You might have to let go of a belief you’ve had your entire life; this can leave you feeling vulnerable. It’s okay, change is a necessary part of growth. You’re soon to feel deeply enriched by a stronger sense of purpose and meaning in all your endeavours!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th activates your Twelfth House: Utilize the energy of the New Moon to further your spiritual aspirations. You will benefit from self-reflection as you prepare for your personal New Year beginning next month. Your intuition is amplified now!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Significant changes to the social fabric of your world are in the works, Cancer. This extends to your primary relationships with family and partners all the way to friends, acquaintances, neighbours and coworkers. Uranus is moving into your house of higher conscious and social connections. You might find yourself more involved in clubs or community efforts. Your political nature is getting activated now as well! (Get ready to make some protest signs and attend town hall meetings.) You’re passionate about making this world a better place for you and your loved ones!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th energizes your Eleventh House: When pondering your long-term future, visualize how you would like things to unfold. It’s a fantastic time for map-making and vision boarding! Cultivate your connections with groups, friends and people who share your humanitarian values.


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your ruler, the Sun, warms the earth’s surface and your heart is fired up in the process! The Sun is joined by Uranus on the same days as the New Moon in your house of career. Exciting developments regarding your life path are in the works. Get ready to spread your wings. With revolutionary Uranus at the top of your chart for the next seven years, you might find yourself pushing back against dominating forces that want you to conform to their principals. You’re likely to push past limiting circumstances and blaze a new trail.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th occurs in your Tenth House: Consider the areas of life where you have expertise and experience. What is the wisdom you’ve attained thus far? How can you best utilize it to serve your long-term goals? You’re the master of your destiny.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It’s time to broaden your horizons through study, travel or adventure, Virgo. You might be feeling antsy and ready for change. The Sun travels through your house of higher knowledge and is soon to be joined by Uranus. Surprise opportunities to travel or study abroad might occur (keep your passport current). Likewise, changes to your career might push you to beef up your skill sets as you prepare for a new chapter. Mentorship roles are attractive now. Areas related to publishing and the media are also on the menu. You’ve got something to say!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th fires up your Ninth House: Nurture the free-spirited side of your nature. What pocket of the world have you always wanted to visit? Connect with people from other cultures who view the world through a different lens.


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A deep pull to connect with others in a meaningful way will colour all your interactions. It’s an ideal time for romance and new relationships to grow! You’re more honest with yourself about what you want in life and making room for people who reflect your values. With Uranus moving through your Eighth House, you’ll be pushed to change relationships where power or control has been misused. You’re ready to break free of situations that have held you back from expressing yourself. The cosmic wheel is turning and you’re headed in a more enriching direction!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th occurs in your Eighth House: Areas connected to personal power and shared resources are activated. As one cycle ends, a new one begins. Use this time of growth to form mutually beneficial partnerships with others.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Sun sits at its farthest point from your sign all year. You might have to be there for someone in service or in spirit. Think of it as a merit-building exercise.  (And give yourself permission to take a nap.) Revolutionary Uranus moves through your house of relationships and the public for the next seven years. Attitudes you previously held about partnership are about to change. If you’ve been stuck in relationship patterns that repeat themselves, get ready for the cycle to break! Honour the principal of free will for yourself and others.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th intensifies your Seventh House: Use this time of growth to bond with companions and make space for new friendships. You have a unique opportunity to mend rifts and build bridges.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Get ready for changes related to your day-to-day work, your craft and service. New job opportunities might land in your lap! Uranus enters your Sixth House of employment, health and routines and will remain there for the next seven years. You might find yourself re-examining your attitude towards work. Mindsets that become rigid or stagnant will be shifting. Outside influences might push you to look at the world in a new way. Innovative forms of work will present themselves. You might choose to go into business for yourself or take a chance on an exciting project!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th stimulates in your Sixth House: Turn over a new leaf in your day-to-day routines and the simple rituals in your life. Nurture your body and take care of your health. How can you improve your job or diversify your skill set?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your own vibrant gifts of creativity are waiting to be discovered and harnessed, Capricorn. With Uranus moving through fellow earth sign Taurus, you’re encouraged to let your imagination guide you. (Your natural sense of discipline will ensure you won’t go too far off course.) Get ready to see your career in a whole new light and find innovative ways to make improvements. Time spent with children can be illuminating and lift your spirits. Observe how they don’t censor their creative choices and give yourself permission to reclaim your own childlike nature. Exciting journeys to playful destinations await.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th occurs in your Fifth House: Your heart centre is activated now! Awaken your passions and celebrate. Use this time to grow your talents and open yourself up to romance.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Matters to do with home and family will be a focus now. You’re ready to make improvements and you might even go to drastic measures! Uranus, the planet governing change, freedom and new frontiers will be moving across the bottom of your chart for the next seven years. Residential moves, renovation and adjustments to your family dynamic are on the menu. Consider areas that have become overly rigid or so structured that there’s no room to breathe. Uranus the liberator will help push through these obstacles so that new life can grow again.


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th activates your Fourth House: How do you care for yourself and those closest to you? Create the space you need physically and psychically in your home so you can truly nurture your soul.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

What is the message you broadcast to the world, Pisces? Or perhaps more importantly, what are the messages you tell yourself on a daily basis? The Sun moves through your Third House, soon to be joined by Uranus. It’s time to let go of those stories that keep you stuck in negative self-talk. You’re entering a seven-year period in which you’ll be re-examining social norms and embracing new facets of yourself. Your social networks are likely to shift as you surround yourself with bright-minded types who help you look at the world in a whole new way!


?The New Moon in Taurus on May 15th amplifies your Third House: You’re encouraged to frame how you view your day-to-day in a nurturing light. Engage in activities that strengthen your connections with siblings, neighbours and members of your community.


Much warmth,   Kelly ♡

Categories: Sun Sign Column
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