
Archive for June, 2024

🌜🌞🌛 July 2024 Horoscope

June 30th, 2024 Comments off

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As the Sun journeys through the nurturing waters of Cancer, it brings with it a gentle, kind energy that encourages us to slow down and tune in to our inner world. Home and family matters come to the forefront and the need for security increases. Pay attention to the feelings that arise because they can act as guides to what needs attention and healing. Consider what makes your home feel like a sanctuary — is it the presence of loved ones, the way you’ve decorated your space or the routines and rituals that bring you comfort? Focus on creating a home environment where you can relax and rejuvenate. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21 brings a swell of energy and heightened emotions urging us to find a balance between personal needs and professional responsibilities. This is an opportunity to ground ourselves, reassess our goals, and focus on realistic expectations.

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Aries (March 21-April 19)  
This next month ushers in a time for self-nurturing and fortifying emotional foundations, Aries. As the Sun moves through your Fourth House, the focus shifts to your home, family and your inner world. Putting positive energy into your home environment will be well worth the effort. This can come in the form of opening your home to loved ones and cooking a beautiful meal, diving into a DIY project, or getting some quiet time by yourself for rest and reflection. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as meditation, gentle exercise or spending time in nature. Listening to your body can help you maintain balance and well-being. The Full Moon on July 21 in your Tenth House of career, brings to light the balance between your personal life and your professional aspirations. Be patient with yourself and others, people can be reactionary around Full Moons and you don’t need to get caught in their issues.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month is brimming with opportunities for learning, communication, and broadening your horizons, Taurus. As the Sun moves through your Third House, the focus is on connecting with others, sharing ideas, and exploring the world around you. This fast-paced energy puts a bounce in your step, making you motivated to plough through tasks and To-Do lists. Opportunities to collaborate with colleagues on projects or attend workshops are favoured. Activities that challenge your mind, such as puzzles, reading, studying or learning new skills will appeal. The Full Moon on July 21 in your Ninth House invites you to reflect on your personal growth and the broader perspectives that shape your life. (Lean into your diplomatic skills if people get testy about their political viewpoints. Full Moons have a way of cranking up any underlying tensions.)  Nonetheless, trust in your journey, and let your curiosity lead the way.


Gemini (May 21-June 20)
As the Sun makes its way through your Second House, you’ll find yourself focusing on your values, resources and self-worth, Gemini. You’re encouraged to reflect on what gives you a sense of security, both materially and emotionally. So take a beat and assess your current state of resources, your ability to create wealth and how you manage it. This is an excellent time to revise budgets and create a strategy for your future financial goals. Long-term investments that lead to strong foundations are highly favoured now. The Full Moon on July 21 in your Eighth House will highlight issues related to shared finances and responsibilities, and joint ventures. Be patient with yourself and others; and avoid snap decisions related to those areas. (People tend to be more reactive during Full Moons.) Think through before making decisions that you can’t adjust the course of in the future. As you reflect on your values, you might realize some things matter less than they used to since you’re growing into a different person.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Happy Birthday, Cancer! As the Sun moves through your sign, it’s your time to shine and celebrate your uniqueness! Embrace your talents and enjoy the beautiful person you’re growing into. You’re encouraged to focus on self-love, acceptance, and appreciating your innermost desires. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it’s essential for maintaining the energy and positivity that you generously share with those around you. You’re brimming with new ideas for your next journey around the Sun, so take the plunge and set those projects in motion. This can be an excellent time to flesh out your goals and take a bold step forward. Romantic relationships are favoured now as well, since your adventurous side is strong and you’re willing to put yourself out there. The Full Moon on July 21 highlights relationships, both personal and professional. It’s good to be patient with yourself and others, because these Full Moons have a way of bringing tension to the surface. The key is about balancing your needs and the expectations of others.


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The Sun is moving through your Twelfth House, Leo, offering you time for rest and quiet reflection. If you can carve out some for a mental-health day or downtime just for you, it can do you a world of good. As your birthday approaches, you’ll find yourself looking back over the last year, making this a good time to let go of attitudes and attachments that no longer serve you. Key insights will occur now, opening the door to healing, transformation and spiritual growth. You might find yourself more sensitive than usual, feeling empathetic to others and the challenges your loved ones are dealing with. Simple gestures of love and support will strengthen bonds and bring harmony to your relationships. The Full Moon on July 21 can shed light on how you can best nurture yourself. Consider incorporating daily practices such as meditation, yoga, or journaling. Listen to your body’s needs and make adjustments that enhance your vitality and balance.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
As the Sun moves through your Eleventh House of friendships, social networks and aspirations — you’re encouraged to reach out, collaborate and embrace the joy of community. This is an excellent time to join up with groups, attend events, and work with others toward common goals. Your intellect is stimulated and you’re filled with innovative ideas. Don’t be shy about reaching out or asking for help. Others will be supportive and ready to lend a hand. Trust your creative instincts and be open to exploring new ideas. Friends and acquaintances are not only a source of joy, but also practical insight and fresh perspectives about the future.  The Full Moon on July 21 can boost your energy and your creative expression. What are you drawn to? Dance, music, cooking, gardening, art? Whatever it is, carve out the time to explore your abilities and gift yourself the space to experiment and make mistakes. After all, the first draft is always rough.


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
As the Sun moves across the top of your chart, you’ll find yourself more in the spotlight this month, Libra. This is a bold time to go after what you want! Your career aspirations will take centre stage. Don’t be shy about showcasing your talents, taking on leadership roles, and pursuing your professional goals with confidence. You’re ready to work hard; and you have the patience and determination it takes to succeed. Dealing with people in positions of influence, such as bosses, teachers, and VIPs can be productive. You will be direct and straight to the point, ready to make tough decisions and stand your ground. However, the period of the Full Moon on July 21 can bring to light imbalances between your work and personal life. Be patient with yourself and others as tensions might be higher than usual. Stay positive, and keep in mind that achieving harmony in these areas will lead to fulfilling outcomes.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
It’s time to explore, Scorpio! The Sun is moving through your Ninth House of travel, higher learning, and philosophical pursuits. New opportunities await, and you’re excited to broaden your view of the world. You’re eager to connect with people from other cultures and different backgrounds; and excited to learn about their experiences and listen to their stories. This is a great time to get away for a change of scenery and spread your wings! Expanding on your education by taking classes or challenging yourself to learn something new will appeal now. Opportunities that can enhance your professional life are right around the corner. Trust what your intuition is telling you and share your aspirations with others. You might be surprised by the support and insights that you receive. Be patient around the Full Moon on July 21, because people are testy, making knee-jerk reactions and snap decisions. Stay positive and be open, honest, and nurturing in your interactions.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This is a potent time for change, transformation, and letting go, Sagittarius. The Sun is activating your Eighth House associated with the cycles of life, death, rebirth, and intimacy. This means you can explore the depths of your character and reconnect with the vital power that lies beneath the surface. Like a snake shedding its skin, it’s time to let go of grudges, grief, attachments, and mindsets that have been holding you back. You can reawaken your essence, connect with your inner desires, and nurture your self-worth. Personal relationships can become richer under this influence allowing you to have honest and open dialogue and build stronger bonds. On a material level, you can see clearly where to cut back and what investments are worthwhile. The Full Moon on July 21 can bring sticky issues to light. Be mindful of your reactions, taking note of the thoughts and feelings that come up. Use this time of healing to resolve issues that don’t align with your deeper values.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 
As the Sun moves through your Seventh House relating to marriage, partnerships, alliances, and your public life, it’s a great time to nurture your connections, Capricorn. Celebrate the people who make a difference in your life, and let them know how much they mean to you. Romantic ties can blossom now making it a wonderful time for a couples’ vacation and leisurely pastimes. Singles, this a fantastic time to get out there and mingle! Exciting flirtations and playful occasions are possible now. With regards to your partnerships (business and marital), this is a potent time to join forces with others, aligning your goals and sharing the load of responsibilities. Your ability to cooperate and build strong alliances will lead to new opportunities. The Full Moon on July 21 can bring to light old business that isn’t yet resolved. Be extra patient and try looking at matters through a fresh lens. Trusted friends and colleagues can help you navigate difficult situations should they arise. Don’t be shy about asking for support.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You’re ready to push up your sleeves and tackle difficult tasks, Aquarius. As the Sun activates your Sixth House, associated with daily affairs, health, work and service, you’re motivated to get organized across the board. As the saying goes, “Work smarter, not harder.” Your focus is strong and you can easily identify fixes for complex problems. Opportunities to develop your skill sets are available to you now. It’s an excellent time to make improvements to your day-to-day routines so you can make the most of your time and be productive. Capitalize on this window to incorporate positive changes to your lifestyle routines and daily rituals! Prioritize the self-care that supports your physical and mental well-being and keeps you grounded and balanced. Your work ethic is strong and you’re determined to see results. The Full Moon on July 21 can shed light on subconscious patterns that no longer serve you. You can use this celestial window to release negative emotions and reframe those old scripts.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Your sense of self is enhanced as you open to beauty and inspiration this month, Pisces. The Sun is activating your Fifth House of play, creativity and romance, encouraging you to express yourself more freely. Whatever your creative outlet is, be that dancing, art, cooking, or gardening, this is the time to nurture those talents. You can easily tune in to your bright spirit and share your enthusiasm with the world. Others are attracted to your open-hearted attitude making this a wonderful time for special occasions and welcoming new people into your life. (Singles, this is a particularly favourable time to put yourself out there!) As the celestial energies culminate at the time of the Full Moon on July 21 — you can channel this into your creative projects or simply enjoy the rush it brings. (Just be mindful not to go overboard with spending or celebrations.) Trust in your intuition and allow yourself to flourish in both personal expression and social harmony.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer

With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xĘ·məθkĘ·É™yĚ“É™m (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wĂş7mesh (Squamish) nations.

Categories: Sun Sign Column