
Archive for August, 2024

🌜🌞🌛 September 2024 Horoscope 🌜🌞🌛

August 31st, 2024 Comments off


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As we shift from summer to autumn, the Sun now moves into sensible, grounded Virgo. This earthy energy encourages us to get more organized at work and home, and helps us to improve upon our day-to-day patterns so they better serve us. Health and healing are major themes now, making this an excellent time to revise exercise regimes and cultivate positive eating habits. The New Moon in Virgo occurs on Sept. 2nd gifting us with a potent window for inner reflection. We will more easily reconnect to our deeper selves and find a balance between the practical, task-oriented world of work while at the same time,  nurturing our inner world of spiritual awareness and meaningful growth. Meanwhile, keep in mind that Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, is gradually moving out of its shadow and will be fully back on course by Sept. 14th. This is a good time to declutter our spaces (mentally and physically) to get more clarity, and ramp up for a productive season ahead!

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Aries (March 21-April 19)  
As the Sun moves through your Sixth House of work, health and day-to-day activities, you will be inspired to take better care of yourself, Aries. This bodes especially well when it comes to exercise regimes, food and nutrition. By prioritizing your well-being, you’ll feel more confident and better resourced to deal with the challenges that life throws your way. While your fiery nature doesn’t like to be hemmed in: nevertheless,  organizing your schedule and giving yourself a quality structure to work from will keep you on task. Keep in mind that Mercury is still climbing out of its shadow, and will be fully back on track by Sept. 14th, so best to hold off on buying cars, computers, cell phones and electronics until that date. However, this is an excellent time to edit and refine your work and make sure everything is in order. This is also a good time for research, study and applied learning, especially when it comes to mastering a new skill and expanding on your abilities. Your intuition will be stronger during the time of the Full Moon on Sept 17th. You will sense the tempo of others and you might feel compelled to offer help or assistance to someone in need. The act of generosity will give you a sense of meaning and personal reward.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The Sun is now making its way through your fellow Earth Sign, which means you are literally in your element, Taurus. This is an excellent time to take in the beauty around you, express yourself and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Creative pursuits are favoured, whether they involve the arts, gardening, cooking, music and other forms of expression. The New Moon on Sept. 2nd offers you a potent opportunity for self-reflection and renewal, encouraging you to align with your true nature and revitalize your passions. Mercury won’t be fully out of its shadow and back on its path until Sept 14th. (Remember to be patient with others, and be sure to clarify issues to avoid misunderstandings.) Time with family members and loved ones will put a smile on your face, as you enjoy catching up and celebrating these cherished bonds. Others will be drawn to your bright spirit, which means romantic opportunities might occur! Take note singles Taureans: this is a prime time to step into the spotlight and attract admirers! Your charming nature will put others at ease and conversations will flow effortlessly. For those in a partnership, this is a lovely time for a private getaway, a romantic date and sensual experiences. The Full Moon on Sept. 17th will be a lively time for events and social occasions. In fact, you’ll find this energy surge uplifting! (Just be mindful not to overindulge or take things too far).

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
As the Sun makes its way across the bottom of your chart, your attention turns to home and family matters, Gemini. Time spent with loved ones and those who are part of your inner fold can be deeply rewarding now. Similarly, home improvement projects and any effort to make your personal space more nurturing will be favoured. The New Moon occurring on Sept. 2nd offers you a potent window for self-care, personal growth and increased mental clarity. Let go of those lingering self-doubts to make space for positive thoughts and impulses to take root. Keep in mind that your ruler, Mercury, while stationed direct, won’t be fully out of its shadow until Sept 14th. You can use this time to recharge your batteries, review your goals, and reorganize your schedule so it better supports your work efforts and more importantly, your well-being. The Full Moon occurring on Sept. 17th activates the tug-of-war between the demands of work and career versus the needs of home, family and personal well-being. Mending and tending to key relationships will be especially beneficial. Your thoughtful gestures inspire others to respond in kind, and this in turn, will cultivate a warm, giving community around you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You’re feeling more interested and engaged with the world around you, Cancer because the Sun is activating your 3rd House of Communications, knowledge and community experiences, thereby inviting you to have an open mind and explore the world around you. This is a good time to join that writer’s group you’ve had your eye on, or sign up for that conference you’ve always wanted to attend.  The New Moon on Sept. 2 marks a powerful time for mental clarity; and you can use this potent energy to clean out stuck mental perceptions and recharge your intellectual batteries. This an excellent time for research, study and education in all its forms. In turn, you’re excited to share your knowledge with those around you, making this a favourable time for writing pursuits, teaching, and thought-provoking discussions. The Full Moon on Sept. 17th will encourage you to connect with your intuition, explore your inner landscape, and observe the thoughts and emotions that rise to the surface. You can also use this lunar energy to challenge internal obstacles and push through limiting belief systems. This is an opportune time to rewire your inner voice by replacing negative self-talk with a kinder, more nurturing voice that assists in cultivating a more optimistic outlook and boosts your self-esteem.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

As the Sun activates your 2nd House, your focus will shift to personal resources, financial growth and what you value, dear Leo. You’re encouraged to assess your present material situation, and take the necessary steps to fortify what’s working, and make adjustments to what no longer serves you. This is a good time to review financials, go over budgets and highlight worthwhile investments that align with your aspirations. Do keep in mind that it’s important to distinguish between material wealth and your inner self-worth. Your value as an individual extends far beyond your possessions or financial status. While material wealth can enhance your quality of life, it cannot define your worth as a human being. The New Moon on Sept. 2nd opens a potent window of renewal concerning your self-worth and your relationship with money. Take the time to remind yourself of your inner strengths, and how valuable you truly are, and cultivate more positive self-regard. As you build on your financial future, you will do so with more clarity and a keen awareness of what matters to you. The Full Moon on Sept. 17th can bring to light hidden stumbling blocks in your relationship dynamics; in particular, where self-worth and intimate relationships intersect. This is a powerful time to change ingrained habits and beliefs so you can enjoy a deeper, more authentic exchange with others.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Happy Birthday Season, Virgo! With the Sun shining brightly in your sign, you are getting a boost of energy and vitality! This is a time of heightened self-awareness and introspection, which is further amplified by the New Moon in your sign occurring on Sept. 2nd. You’ll be gifted with a potent window to connect with your inner, true self and channel this energy into creative projects and meaningful change. Keep in mind that your ruler, Mercury, is still climbing out of its shadow until Sept 14th, so take things slowly. You can use this time to align your inner values with your practical ambitions, and at the same time, refine the strategies you’re using. The Full Moon on Sept. 17 taking place opposite your sign, will bring relationship issues into focus. Pay attention to what comes up and what you can do to heal or strengthen special bonds. Major life changes are taking place as Saturn continues moving opposite your sign until the spring of 2026. Therefore, keep the long game in mind as career and life adjustments are in the works. This is a key time for major improvements to your career. Take brave steps and demonstrate your strengths and abilities. Don’t be shy; grab the reins!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
As the Sun moves through your Twelfth House, you’ll find yourself in need of some quiet time for introspection, Libra. Because your birthday is right around the corner, it’s natural to feel reflective as you contemplate where you’re at on your life path. You can tune in to your inner nature and take stock of your emotional well-being. With Mercury coming out of its shadow by Sept. 14th, you can look forward to increased inner clarity and an enhanced connection with your spiritual side. Healing practices that help you find inner balance and harmony are favoured now. Let go of perfectionist tendencies and allow yourself to rest and recharge! Clearing the clutter from your soul (and your home) can make space for something new to take root. Think of it as preparing the soil for a fresh season of growth as your personal new year approaches. The Full Moon on Sept. 17th highlights your work-life balance; and the daily routines that support your well-being. Consider incorporating more creative and spiritual practices into your life, whether that’s through meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. This is a period for healing, both physically and mentally, as you prepare to step into a more vibrant version of yourself. Yes!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
As the Sun moves through your Eleventh House, it shines a light on your social connections and long-term aspirations, Scorpio. You’re encouraged to take a look at your friendships and the groups with which you’re involved. Are these connections aligned with your deeper values? Now is the time to reconnect with people who are both encouraging and inspiring. You might feel drawn to collaborate with like-minded individuals who share your ideals. As Mercury moves out of its shadow by Sept. 14th, communications with others will become clearer. You will see the big picture while still identifying the details, making it a good time to strategize and plan. Meanwhile, your creative nature is activated because your inner Muse is calling your name. The Full Moon on Sept 17th will shed light on your long-term aspirations, and the passion and power within you to make those aspirations a reality. This is a potent time to release any fears or doubts that have been holding you back because you will have the ability to transform thoughts of self-doubt into thoughts of self-belief and empowerment. This is an ideal time to organize your plans for the future, carefully considering the steps you can take now to ensure your success later.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
As the Sun moves across the top of your chart, matters related to your career and your public life are more pronounced. This is the time to tackle tough jobs, manage responsibilities, and get organized across the board. The New Moon on Sept. 2nd invites you to connect with your deeper aspirations and reflect on the quality of life you aspire to create for yourself. You can use this time to revise long-term career goals and strategize your next steps. Why not put these thoughts on paper and organize your calendar to reflect your intentions? Having a solid structure to work from allows your free-spirited nature to improvise and adjust plans along the way. As Mercury comes out of its shadow by Sept 14th, communication in your professional life becomes clearer and more effective. If there have been delays or misunderstandings, they will start to resolve, allowing you to move forward with confidence. You’ll be well-equipped to discuss important matters, close deals, and initiate projects. The Full Moon on Sept. 17th can bring to light the delicate balance between your professional life and your personal world. Getting some restorative alone time or a revitalizing visit with a close friend can boost your reserves and freshen your outlook.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 
With the Sun in your fellow Earth Sign, you’re in your element, Capricorn! You’re feeling more optimistic about the future, which will encourage you to imagine different scenarios and consider different options available to you. It’s a potent time to expand your knowledge base by furthering your education, adding to your career tool kit, or embarking on new ventures. This is a great time to research your options and revise your long-term plans. You can identify the steps required to get you up that mountain. With Mercury coming out of its shadow by Sept. 14th, any lingering doubts or confusion will begin to dissipate. Communications will become more precise, allowing you to articulate your ideas with clarity. If you need a mentor, a guide or a special advisor to assist you, don’t be shy about reaching out. Others will be receptive and supportive, making this a good time to connect with like-minded individuals who are also ready to tackle new opportunities. The lunar energies that culminate at the Full Moon on Sept. 17th, will highlight your communication style with others, including the way you dialogue with yourself. You can use this potent lunar window to let go of your inner critic, and replace that voice with an encouraging and supportive voice instead.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
As the Sun moves through your Eighth House, your focus turns to the deeper aspects of lifeósoul searching, intimacy, vital resources and transformation. It will be helpful to get some quiet time on your own to look inward and reflect. Your intuition will be heightened, giving you greater insight into your deeper self and what really matters to you. It’s a potent time for inner growth and positive healing because you can let go of what no longer serves you and make space for new growth. Concerning material resources, it’s an excellent time to cut back on unnecessary expenditures. Make time to review your investments and refine your budget. Give some thought to your financial goals (personal and jointly held) and revise your strategies. You might uncover some opportunities you’d previously overlooked? The Full Moon on Sept. 17th will highlight your Second House of values, self-worth and personal power, shedding light on your personal beliefs about these issues. This is the time to let go of the limiting thoughts that have been holding you back; and transform those inner narratives to be more encouraging, kind and helpful. Keep in mind, Jupiter, the planet associated with luck and abundance, is trine your Sun until next June, boosting your natural talents and abilities! Let yourself explore your creative potential!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
As the Sun moves into your Seventh House, relationship dynamics with others will take centre stage, Pisces. This will bring a renewed emphasis on connection, harmony, and collaboration with others. You may be drawn to deeper, more meaningful exchanges, which will attract interesting people and opportunities into your life. At the time of the New Moon window on Sept. 2nd, you can heal any rifts and nurture your relationships. This is also a good time to collaborate on projects and team up with people who will expand your view of the world. When Mercury makes its way out of its shadow by Sept 14th, communication Issues will clear up, allowing you to get a true read on situations. You’re in a productive frame of mind, eager to reach your goals. The Full Moon in your sign occurring on Sept. 17th is all about you! (It’s the only Full Moon in your sign all year.) This is a deeply spiritual time, Pisces, when your intuition will be at its peak. Be gentle with yourself, and stay mindful of the situations and people around you. Something important might come to light bringing about a sense of culmination or closure in your life. Trust in the process and allow yourself to release what no longer serves your highest good.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer & Tarot Reader

With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xÊ·məθkÊ·É™yÌ“É™m (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nations.

Categories: Sun Sign Column