Home > Sun Sign Column > 🌜🌞🌛 August 2024 Horoscope

🌜🌞🌛 August 2024 Horoscope

August 1st, 2024

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As the Sun makes its journey through bold and fiery Leo, the desire to connect and celebrate with others becomes more pronounced. We feel generous, ready to enjoy the pleasures in life and indulge in activities that bring us happiness. This playful energy is further amplified by Mars and Jupiter teaming up in quick-witted Gemini, injecting a surge of vitality and novelty into our lives! However, Mercury adds a twist to the mix by moving through a retrograde from August 4th to 27th. This can bring its fair share of miscommunications, travel delays and technological hiccups, but it also offers valuable opportunities for reflection and reassessment. It’s a good time to revisit old projects, reconnect with people from our past, and refine our plans. Stay flexible and remember that sometimes, the detours can lead to interesting destinations. With the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars just days before the Full Moon on August 19th, we are in for a dynamic period filled with passion, desire, ambition and exuberance! It’s easy to get caught up in this celestial tide, which can push us to overdo things, get swept up in the excitement, and commit to something we’re not truly serious about. Stay mindful of your limits, ensure that your enthusiasm is grounded, and channel this powerful energy into productive outlets.

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Aries (March 21-April 19)  
As the Sun moves through your fellow Fire Sign, you’re in for a boost, Aries! You’re eager to get out there and embrace the vibrant, playful energy this journey brings. Not only that, Jupiter and Mars are teaming up together in your Third House of community, connections, speech, and education, making this a lively time indeed! You’re ready to learn, engage with others, and stretch your perspective. Remember that Mercury is moving through a retrograde from August 4 to the 27th, potentially throwing monkey wrenches into the best-laid plans. Temper the urge to control outcomes. Allow yourself to experience the journey, as opposed to rushing to the finish line. You can utilize this creative surge by pushing ahead on established projects, tying up loose ends, or reviving old projects that you’ve been meaning to get back to. The powerful swell of the Full Moon window on August 19th can push people to take things too far. So, play it cool and sidestep any drama should it arise. Connecting with people you haven’t seen for a while will be a source of joy and well worth the effort.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The Sun is making its way through your Fourth House, pushing home and family matters to the forefront, Taurus. As the Sun activates this Moon-ruled house, and Mercury moves through a retrograde from August 4 to 27, you’ll likely feel more reflective than usual. While Mercury retrograde can bring delays, miscommunications and mix-ups, you can use this time to tend to health-related issues (physical and mental) and build up your strength. You might find yourself tinkering or fixing things around the house, rearranging and creating cozy spots. It’s a good time to clear out old junk, change up the energy flow, and make space for new ventures to come. Quality time with family members and friends can deepen bonds and mend connections. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Mars are teamed up in your Second House of wealth, indicating a boost to your earnings and perhaps, your spending! Don’t let yourself be distracted by indulging in baubles or fleeting experiences. Remind yourself of your long-term goals and stick to the plan. The Full Moon on August 19th can bring to light any underlying friction with strong personalities in your world. Be patient with yourself and don’t let others get under your skin.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
This is a highly energizing and exciting time, Gemini! The Sun shines in your Third House of communication and learning, highlighting your natural curiosity and social skills. Not only that, Jupiter is moving through your sign (for the next year), and Mars is also in Gemini (until Sept 4th). You’re blessed with a surge of energy and confidence, and eager to tackle difficult projects and make your mark on the world! However, with Mercury retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, be mindful of potential misunderstandings and delays. Double-check travel plans and be patient with any disruptions. Nonetheless, this is a good time to wrap up old ventures, tie up loose ends, and put the finishing touches on any projects. It’s also a good time to reconnect with people you haven’t seen for a while (personal and professional) and rekindle those valued connections. You might also revive health practices such as diets, activities and lifestyle routines that worked for you in the past. The Full Moon on August 19th can add a romantic sizzle to your demeanour. Don’t be surprised if an old flame makes an overture.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
As the Sun moves through your Second House of finances and personal values, your focus shifts to your security and self-worth. This is a potent time to reflect on what truly matters to you and consider the efforts you’re taking to meet those needs. Keep in mind, with Mercury retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, it’s not the best time for major investments or purchases, especially related to computers, cellphones, and cars. (Wait until September before pulling the trigger on big-ticket items.) Nonetheless, it is a good time to review financial records, budgets, and debts and revise your strategies. During the time of the Full Moon on August 19th, sticky issues related to money, shared finances and your perception of how others value you can come to light. This is an excellent window for healing where you can release inner scripts that don’t serve you and replace them with kinder, gentler, more appreciative inner dialogues. A little time on your own for reflection and energy work can be especially helpful now. You can push through anxieties and connect with your inner wisdom. Trust that by nurturing your inner world, you are laying the foundation for a secure and prosperous future.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Happy birthday, Leo! With the Sun in your sign, you are in the spotlight now. This is your time to shine, embrace your unique gifts, and let your true self radiate. Others are attracted to your bright spirit, making it a wonderful time for socializing, play and celebrating. Jupiter and Mars are boosting your Eleventh House, amplifying the desire to connect with people who inspire you. However, with Mercury retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, be mindful of misunderstandings and miscommunications. Try not to overextend yourself. Allow extra time between appointments, especially when commuting in traffic. Use this time to revisit old ideas, refine your strategies, and add a touch of Leo flair to everything you do. Your charisma and leadership style inspire and impress those around you. Enjoy the flirtations and lively social occasions that are coming your way. Around the time of the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, you’re likely to feel a swell of energy. Being mindful of your boundaries and those of others can help you navigate any tricky waters you might encounter. Above all, don’t forget to laugh—it’s your birthday, after all!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This is a natural time for reflection and contemplation as your birthday approaches, Virgo because the Sun is now making its way through your Twelfth House of introspection, dreams, and spiritual values. Carve out some time to tune in and listen to what your deeper self is telling you. Meanwhile, your ruler, Mercury, is moving through a retrograde from August 4 to 27, and this can be a mixed bag. Get ready for communication glitches, delays, and mix-ups by double-checking appointments, being extra clear in your communications with others, and allowing extra time when commuting. You can use this time to go back and take care of unfinished business and tie up loose ends. It’s also a good time for healing practices that allow you to release old patterns and mindsets that no longer serve you. With Jupiter at the top of your chart and your personal new year around the corner, this is a good time to lighten your load and let go of dead weight. Important career opportunities are in the works, and you need to create the space for these initiatives to take root. The Full Moon on August 19th can shed some light on areas in your life that need extra attention.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
The Sun is now moving through your Eleventh House of social connections and aspirations, Libra. Your focus shifts to the larger community around you, important causes, and shared interests. Your humanitarian nature is sparked, and you’re aware that even the smallest acts of kindness (to others and the planet) can have lasting impacts. While Mercury is retrograde from August 4th to 27th, be aware that snafus, communication mix-ups and delays can easily occur; so, allow extra time between appointments and be careful not to overbook yourself. Nonetheless, it’s an excellent time to reach out to friends or organizations you haven’t been in touch with for a while and pick up where you left off. Spending time with positive people can make all the difference, inspiring you to tap into your talents and believe in yourself. With Jupiter is moving through Gemini for the next year, making a sweet trine to your sign, you’re eager to share ideas and learn from people who inspire you. Over the next two years, important life decisions will take effect, making this a time to give careful thought to the direction you want to take things.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
The Sun’s journey through your Tenth House of career and public image puts your professional ambitions and higher aspirations in the spotlight, Scorpio. This is a time to build on your goals and remind yourself just how far you’ve come. Others will see you in a positive light, making this a good time to deal with authority figures or champion something you believe in. As both Jupiter and Mars activate your Eighth House of inner resources and shared wealth, you’re well-poised to review and revise financial matters, be they investments, debts, business plans or joint ventures. Now, here comes the cosmic curveball: Mercury will be retrograde from August 4th to 27th, and this little trickster might throw some communication snafus and delays into the mix. Think of it as an opportunity to revisit and refine your plans. Double-check emails, back up important files, and be extra clear in your communications. Reconnect with old colleagues and mentors who can offer valuable advice and insights. Wait until September before signing contracts, making major purchases, or starting any new ventures. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day — patience and strategy are your allies.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
With the Sun moving through your Ninth House, Sagittarius, you’re energized, and your adventurous spirit is ignited! This is a sweet time to seek exciting experiences, explore philosophies, and expand your horizons. Jupiter and Mars join forces in your Seventh House, bringing opportunities for growth in relationships and partnerships. (Singles, don’t be shy, get out there and mix with the best of ‘em.) You can learn a lot about yourself through your experiences with others, providing valuable insights and support for your personal growth. Mercury will be retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, so be patient with misunderstandings concerning travel, appointments, and getting your wires crossed. Nonetheless, you can use this time to reconnect with old friends or revisit some of your favourite places. Focus on clear and thoughtful communication in your relationships, ensuring that your intentions are understood. The Full Moon on August 19th highlights your Third House of community and learning, opening the window for greater understanding and personal revelations. You might find yourself guiding or mentoring someone at a time when they need it most.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 
As the Sun makes its journey through your Eighth House of transformation and shared resources, you’re gifted with a time of introspection and emotional growth. Opportunities to explore your inner world can arise, leading to a sense of acceptance, healing, and renewal. Jupiter and Mars are active in your Sixth House of work, daily routines, health, and well-being, making this a particularly good time for restorative practices that can assist the mending process. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 4th to 27th. While this can increase the likelihood of communication mix-ups, delays, and snafus, you can use this retrograde to revisit old issues and unfinished business and deal with these matters once and for all. Make your mental and emotional health a priority as you push past inner obstacles and reconnect with your inner vitality. If you are looking for work or eager to expand your career, use this time to research opportunities, but wait until September before ploughing full steam ahead. Use the time of the Full Moon on August 19th to release any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
As the Sun moves opposite your sign, you will feel pulled in different directions, Aquarius. The urge to get out there and socialize might be at odds with the need for a little rest and reflection. Build in some respite and be mindful not to overextend yourself by saying “yes” to everyone. As the Sun activates your Seventh House, important relationships are highlighted — it’s all about creating balance and enjoying the mutual harmony of a good connection. Social friction could reach a boiling point on or around the Full Moon on August 19th, so, tread carefully. Adding to the mix, Mercury will be retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, making it easy for delays to occur and communication wires to get crossed. (Oy vey!) Be patient with yourself and others and be reasonable about your expectations. It’s a good time to go back to places you’re already familiar with and connect with people you feel at ease with. Jupiter and Mars are teamed up in your Fifth House of creativity, romance, play, and personal expression, making this a great time for artistic ventures and recreation. Take in some live theatre or anything that puts a smile on your face.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
As the Sun moves through your Sixth House, there’s an increased focus on your day-to-day routines and your physical and mental health. This is a good time to lean into the healthy habits that support your well-being and enhance your sense of balance. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Mars are boosting the energy in your Fourth House, promoting growth and expansion related to family and domestic affairs. This is an excellent time to make changes and repairs to your living space. Increased time with family and close friends is likely; plus, you’ll feel freer to be yourself and welcome others into the fold. Keep in mind that because Mercury will be retrograde from August 4th to the 27th, communication glitches, delays, and snafus can easily occur, so be patient with yourself and others and double-check plans and appointments. Nonetheless, this is an excellent time to reconnect with people you haven’t seen for a while and revive healthy practices that worked well for you in the past. Your intuition is heightened during the Full Moon window on August 19th, making you feel more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. If you find things overwhelming, a little time on your own can calm those celestial currents.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer & Tarot Reader


With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nations.

Categories: Sun Sign Column
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