Mars Stations Retrograde

Fierce and passionate Mars, mythologically represented as the God of War, continues on his journey through his own sign Aries. Usually, Mars stays in a sign for roughly six weeks, but due to the retrograde window (Sept 9 – Nov 13), Mars will be in Aries for six months! (Mars in Aries full duration, June 29, 2020 – Jan 7, 2021) This Aries energy activates the warrior within us, pushing us to speak up for ourselves and bravely face our fears with a direct and unabashed approach.
When the planet associated with desire and action slows down its time for us to revisit the causes we fight for, to review our strategies, and honour that which we’ve been tasked to protect. Repressed anger and frustrations have a way of bubbling to the surface with a life of their own. If we’re not careful we might be consumed by the tornado of our own anger. Be aware of accident-prone or precarious situations that could easily slide side-ways. Take the time you need to consider things before initiating permanent and irreversible actions. Slow down and calm the savage beast inside, hold your ground, watch, wait, gather information and exercise self-discipline.
“We must be warriors in the struggle against ignorance” ~ Maya Angelou