? January 2024 Horoscope ?

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All Signs:

As we move into the New Year, and the Sun moves through realistic and grounded Capricorn, we are encouraged to reflect on our personal goals and ambitions, take stock of our achievements, acknowledge our strengths, and set realistic objectives for the year ahead. Jupiter continues to move through Taurus, pushing us to align with our deeper values and build on our accomplishments. Whatever our dreams or ambitions are, the urge to take responsibility, strategize, build and create is powerful now. A fresh start awaits us all! So, seize opportunities that expand your worldview and take on new challenges that showcase your capabilities!


Aries (March 21-April 19)  

As the Sun moves across the top of your chart, you’ll find yourself focused on professional goals, key responsibilities and your reputation among your peers. Keep in mind, that Mercury stations direct on Jan 1st so be patient with yourself and others because it might take a few weeks for things to get moving. That said, you’re eager to make headway on your long-term goals and maximize your efforts! You’ll have no problem wrapping up old business or tackling difficult projects. Since authority figures in your world are looking at you, be on your best behaviour in front of the boss or other VIPs. You’re in the running for a promotion or advancement in your career as harvests are coming your way. Jupiter is blessing your House of Wealth and you’re sure to see an increase in available resources this year that promote feelings of security, comfort and luxury. (Remember to save some of that moola for a rainy day!) As Saturn continues its transit through your 12th House you’re doing a great deal of reflective work that allows you to let go of old habits and patterns bringing about insight, clarity and wisdom.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Sun is travelling through your fellow Earth sign and this bodes well for you, dear Taurus. You’re motivated to plough through your to-do lists and hit the ground running this New Year. Your curiosity is piqued, and you’re eager to explore the world around you. It’s a good time to plan a vacation or a major trip abroad. You’re drawn to intellectual pursuits and anything that will expand your horizons now. You’re thinking big and ready to take bold steps towards your goals. As Saturn continues its journey through your 11th House you’re prioritizing quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. (Friendships and romantic connections alike.) Because you can cultivate deep meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, this is a good time to join groups and organizations that align with your values. Through collaboration and teamwork, you can benefit from the collective power and feel good about helping others rise as well. Because you are currently blessed with Jupiter moving through your sign, you’ll find that your enthusiasm and unique perspective draws people to your side. Don’t want to miss the opportunities that await you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’re ready to embrace transformation and rebirth now, Gemini. As the Sun moves through your 8th House you might need some time on your own for reflection and contemplation. You can tune in to the deeper forces at work in your life and shine a light on hidden truths that drive you. You’re ready to embrace the power of regeneration and healing. You can light your path using the wisdom you’ve gained from experience. This is a powerful time to strengthen the bonds you share with others on a foundation of trust and honesty. As you let go of the old, allow room for new growth. You’re in a powerful cycle when it comes to career and life direction. You have the discipline to work hard and set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t shy away from responsibility — you’re ready to take major steps as you invest in your future. Your consistent efforts will pay off, paving the way for stability and security. New opportunities, especially coming from friends and allies are likely. Your friendly and engaging manner attracts others to you and the causes you embrace. You can help guide and mentor those who look up to you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As the Sun is moving opposite your sign at this time of year, you might feel a bit more tired than usual. Carve out some ‘you time’ and get some extra rest if you need it. That said, you’re eager to get ahead of responsibilities and tackle legal matters and financial issues. It’s an important time for change and growth; and you don’t want old business holding you back. It’s time to let go of old ways of doing things that no longer suit you in order to make space for new challenges that pique your interests. If you’ve been thinking of taking a new career path or augmenting your current profession, this is a good time to research your options. Exploration, change, and adapting to new ways of life will be a theme this year since you’re ready to grow beyond your comfort zone. Formal education as well as self-led study and research can yield results now. Consider what your natural talents are, and how you can best support them to prosper. Share your aspirations with friends and family — they may have some great ideas for your future path. Get out and socialize! Join a club or take up a new sport. It’s an exciting year ahead!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The Sun is activating your 6th House of Health and Work pushing you to revive your calendar so you can prioritize workflow, health regimes, and overall productivity. Because you can easily visualize your goals now and how to go after them, this is an excellent time to plan and strategize. Physical activity and positive lifestyle routines are highlighted now, so get moving. When you want to go outside and play, what do you want to do? Hiking, dancing, swimming? Whatever it is, be sure to work those positive rewards into your schedule so it brings a smile to your face. Financial matters, especially about shared wealth and responsibilities are key themes this year. This influences marital and family relationships as well as business connections, banking matters, insurance issues, inheritance and estates. Be sure to read contracts carefully, dotting the i’s and crossing those t’s. You’re making wise decisions while considering your future well-being and that of your family. Expect to be in the spotlight this year as opportunities to flash your pearly whites are on the menu. People are attracted to you now, making this a great time to schmooze and enjoy yourself!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

As the Sun moves through your fellow Earth sign, you’re able to hit your stride and get some quality momentum going. While you can maximize your efforts on the practical side of things, this also extends to your creative outlets and your natural talents, Virgo. Carve out time in your busy schedule for artistic ventures, whimsical experiences and taking in the beauty of the world around you. Athletics, dance, movement and play are favoured now. The mystery and magic of love and relationships beckon as singles attract serious partnerships. You might draw the attention of others making this a sweet time for romance and playful flirtations! Those in a committed connection are ready to move into a deeper phase and recommit to a shared dream or goal. (If you’re leaving a serious relationship at this time, take heart, something sweet waits for you on the horizon.) In many respects, this has to do with how you regard yourself and what you want out of life. It’s important to prioritize the relationship you have with yourself so you’re in a strong place to grow and adapt as your social landscape changes. It’s all about you, baby!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

As the Sun moves along the bottom of your chart, you’re craving quiet times at home with the people you cherish. It’s a lovely time to work on rainy-day projects and creative hobbies. Home decorating and repairs might be in the mix as well. Time on your own allows you to reflect on your current set of needs and consider what you want for the next year ahead. Clearing the decks to make space for new growth will be satisfying. This might be in the literal sense, cleaning out closets and dealing with nagging issues that keep tripping you up. It can also mean that you want to let go of certain activities or connections that aren’t working for you anymore. It’s time to create an environment that nourishes you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Important progress will be made this year concerning your work and career. You’ll be streamlining your efforts and entering an important time of mastery (that you will be recognized for in 2026 – 2029). This effect also impacts your day-to-day practices and your overall health, pushing you to be more disciplined about how you take care of yourself. You’ve got this!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You’re eager to spread your wings and discover more about the world around you, Scorpio. This can come in the form of increased social occasions, connections with extended family members, and forays into new communities that you feel drawn to. Your sense of spontaneity and optimism is high, pushing you to look beyond the mundane and see the possibilities that await you. Mix up your usual routines and check out neighbourhoods, shops, parks and attractions that invoke a sense of adventure. You might also feel inclined to sign up for a class or workshop that gets you looking at things from a new angle. Grab a friend to join you or get ready to make some new ones. Flirtations and new connections are possible now. There are some strong themes this year about developing your unique talents and expressing your creative nature. Over the next few years, you’re motivated to bring your ideas into reality so you can share them with others. For some, this means expanding your business, starting a new one or branching out on your career. For others, this might mean a personal project that you want to develop such as a home renovation, a major garden project, or an artistic venture that you feel proud of.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As several planets are moving through your 2nd House, your focus turns to income, resources, wealth, and values. This is a good time to do some financial housekeeping, cutting back on unnecessary expenses and doubling down on saving and paying down debts. You’re keen to get out in front of things so you can feel more secure about your material needs and achieve your financial goals. Investments and business opportunities are in the works, as you’re eager to expand on your professional skills and grow your talents. What do you value about yourself and how might you develop that? At the same time, your need for creature comforts, security and having a healthy home base are also in the mix. For some, renovations, redecorating or a residential move might be in the works. It’s important to feel strong and nourished so you have a solid base to work from. Emotional shifts and changes with family members and close relationships can occur this year. Responsibilities with family require patience and quality attention. It’s important to show up for those who need you, as they’ll be there for you when the time comes. Be open to healing opportunities and reconciliations with others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

Happy Birthday Season Capricorn! It’s your time of year to shine and soak in the good vibes around you. As your new year opens up, you are encouraged to think about yourself and how you can grow and blossom on a personal level. As a forward-planning sign, no doubt you’ve got a few goals in mind. Lean into the aspirations that reflect your authentic nature and allow you to express your true self. Change is in the air and you might feel inspired to revamp your fitness routines, your healthy habits and the image you project to the world. (Get your hair done and treat yourself to some new duds.) As Saturn pushes through your 3rd House you’re ready to adapt to new environments and social situations. It’s a good time to explore and see what neighbourhoods and communities reflect your current set of needs and interests. Relationships that may start on a practical note can develop into long-lasting mutually beneficial connections. You’re eager to learn and better yourself through new practices and technology. You can benefit from structured forms of learning where you can track your progress. You’re ready to methodically work towards your goals. Go for it!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
We’re getting closer to your birthday season, Aquarius, and you might feel more reflective now. It’s a good time to look back over the last year and consider what was working and what wasn’t. A little time on your own can help you tune into your deeper needs and the arenas and abilities you want to grow. As you prepare for your next year, it’s good to reflect on your value systems and how they may have shifted in this last year. Matters related to work, jobs, earnings, and resources will be a theme. You might find yourself branching into new forms of work, making a major investment in something be that real estate, business opportunities, or education. You’re taking yourself seriously in a good way and you’re ready to champion yourself, your interests and causes that are dear to your heart. This is a lovely year for travel (for work or pleasure) so start planning that trip you want to take! It’s also a lovely time for romantic relationships and fun friendships. Open yourself up to new possibilities and any invitations that come your way.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As the Sun is moving through your 11th House, you’re keen to connect with others and make new friends in your community. This is a wonderful time to reach out and connect with groups and like-minded individuals who can help broaden your horizons. The influence of others can help shape your long-term goals and give you the support you need to set realistic expectations for yourself. Because you’re ready to learn, you might find yourself more interested in social issues that impact you and the people you care about; as well as technological advancements that can further your ambitions and open you up to new possibilities. As Saturn continues to move through your sign (until February 2026) your identity and sense of self continue to transform. It’s a potent time for new beginnings and you might feel like a fish out of water at times. Be patient as this process takes time. It’s a good time to embrace routines and structures that work for you. You might find yourself taking on more responsibilities and this contributes to a deeper sense of security, meaning and purpose.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer


With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nations.