? Home for the Harvest ?

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All Signs:

As the Sun moves through harmony-seeking Libra, the days are getting crisper and cooler. It’s time to head indoors, create cozy atmospheres and welcome family and friends for harvest gatherings. We’re encouraged to celebrate the beauty in our lives and be grateful for what we have. Social engagements and relationships are key themes as new connections are made and existing connections deepen more meaningfully. The Solar eclipse on October 14 is an auspicious time to consider how you can bring more balance to your life. In particular, this is the perfect time to set intentions about relationships. Whether you’re exploring a new partnership, working on an existing one, or focusing on your own precious relationship with life — the energy of Libra will support your intentions. Read on to see where the Sun and the New Moon are impacting your sign. Happy Thanksgiving!

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

As the Sun moves opposite your sign, you might have to go more than halfway when dealing with others because the axis of relationships is becoming more active. Key connections are a major theme. Ask yourself: Who do you feel responsible for? Who do you feel accountable to? Who fills your cup and lightens your heart? Are your relationships in alignment with your goals and aspirations? Some connections may fade away, while others get stronger as the bond grows deeper. During the time of the Solar eclipse on October 14, you are offered an auspicious window to deepen the bonds where it matters most. Take a moment to consider how others have shown up for you, as well as how you have been there for them. It’s the perfect time to do something special for people you care about.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month you’re eager to work hard and get down to business, Taurus because the Sun is activating your Sixth House, which is traditionally associated with health, daily routines, efficiency and service to others. That’s why this month is an excellent time to pay attention to your physical well-being, as well as your daily habits, and consider how you can make small changes to improve your health. This same rule applies to your craft or trade and how you can make some tweaks to enhance your performance. The first few weeks of October are an excellent time to ‘clean house’. At the time of the New Moon (a Solar eclipse) on October 14, take time to consider how you want to handle matters related to your work, as well as how you practice your day-to-day lifestyle. How can you improve your health? Get rid of things that have piled in the corners of your mind, which no longer serve you. This month, it’s time to be productive and clear the decks of whatever you don’t need.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
It’s a ripe time for creative new beginnings, Gemini! The Sun is activating your Fifth House of authentic expression, play, artistic pursuits, and recreation. As the Sun moves through your fellow Air sign, Libra, this bodes well for all kinds of socializing, meeting new people, and celebrating with those you love. Go out on the town if you can. Explore art galleries and places of interest. Music and festivities beckon now. As we get closer to the Solar eclipse on October 14, give some thought to your creative nature and what forms of expression you feel called to. It’s a very auspicious time to initiate new projects and breathe life into old ones. Let your imagination out to play and see where it takes you. Romantic experiences can easily occur as others are drawn to your upbeat energy. Ooo la la!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The urge to nest and nurture is strong at this time, Cancer. As the Sun makes its way across the bottom of your chart, your focus shifts to home, family life and your personal well-being. Get busy cleaning up around the house, making repairs or redecorating to make your home feel comfortable and cozy for the cooler months because this will lift your spirits. Gatherings with family members and close friends that warm your heart will create happy memories — and you will easily express yourself through these caring activities. As we move through the phase of the Solar eclipse on October 14, keep in mind this is an excellent time for healing. You can direct this energy into personal growth, past and present family issues, and also your genuine care for other family members. Creating healthy emotional boundaries for yourself and others will be your key theme.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Expect some interesting excursions and stimulating experiences, Leo, as the Sun activates your Third House of communications and learning. Among other things, you will be more curious and engaged with the world around you. This is an excellent time for short trips and adventurous activities that get you thinking. You’ll be eager to stretch those mental muscles and learn more about the world around you. If you have to study, research, or write — this is an excellent window to get a lot done. As we move through the Solar eclipse on October 14, you’re gifted with the opportunity to make fresh inroads into new forms of study and education, creation and community involvement. Consider where you want to grow and what you aspire to. Connections with others, especially siblings, relatives and colleagues, are favoured now. Enjoy this time of increased mental activity!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It’s time to make your dreams a reality, Virgo. Your confidence is strong, you’re eager to work hard, and you’re ready to invest in yourself. As the Sun activates your Second House related to wealth, security and value systems, you will refine the way you look at the world around you. This is an important time to get clear on what you’re aiming for so that you can build toward that future. Practical decisions related to finances and personal wealth will be a key theme this month. If you haven’t already, revisit budgets and savings plans. At the time of the Solar eclipse on October 14, you can take a powerful step to enhance your earning potential and grow your personal worth. Go ahead and raise your rates or ask for that raise. Your career is looking bright — so think big and go after what you want!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Happy Birthday, Libra! The cosmic spotlight is shining on you because it’s your time of year to celebrate just how far you’ve come! Your core self is strengthened making this a potent time for fresh new beginnings as you mark your next journey around the Sun. This is an excellent time for self-discovery as you reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, desires and goals. You can easily align yourself with your deeper needs, and how you can go out into the world to fulfill them. During the time of the Solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 (your birthday New Moon), your sense of purpose will be renewed, and you will become clearer about your objectives for the year ahead. This is a bold time to bravely push forward and actualize your dreams and ambitions!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
This month you will find yourself more sensitive to the subtle energies occurring around you, Scorpio. As we get closer to your birthday season, you’re naturally feeling reflective and craving some downtime to rejuvenate. This window of time will amplify your intuition as you tune into the thoughts and feelings of those around you. Mars is also moving through your sign, pushing you to get in touch with your animal nature. This is a favourable time for spiritual exploration and healing activities. Let go of belief systems that hold you back — it’s time to liberate yourself and move forward. During the time of the Solar eclipse on October 14, make the time to set intentions that allow you to mend old wounds and make you whole again. Listen to the messages that come through in your dreams. Your intuition can guide you now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Get ready to broaden your horizons, Sagittarius. As the Sun travels through your Eleventh House, you’re eager to connect with people who inspire you. Say “Yes” to the invitations that cross your path as unexpected interactions can bring whimsy and delight into your life. Ask a friend to join you because it’s a lovely time to deepen existing bonds with others while your sense of camaraderie is so strong. As you share your ideas and insights about the future, the people around you will help you to shape that picture — making this the perfect time to expand on your aspirations and dreams. During the Solar eclipse on October 14, give yourself some time to consider what you’re aiming for, and align your inner nature with your external pursuits. This is a rich window for conscious manifesting and taking the necessary steps to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This is a powerful time in relation to your career, Capricorn. The Sun is moving over the top of your chart activating matters to do with your achievements and recognition. Your hard work will speak for itself, which is why you can expect to get acknowledgement from your professional community. Your natural sense of authority and public identity will be stronger now because your ambitions are aroused. If you’re looking for a career change, this is a good time to search for work or champion a cause that’s important to you. During the Solar eclipse on October 14, give yourself some time to reflect on where you want your career to grow and the larger purpose that shapes your life. Consider what and who you’re responsible for, and how you can best meet those obligations. Your vision is clear, and you intuitively know the steps required to get there.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Can you feel the call to adventure, Aquarius? As the Sun moves through your fellow Air sign and activates your Ninth House, your desire to expand your knowledge about the world grows. This is an excellent time to take a trip, plan one, or get out and explore your own hometown. It’s also a good time for intellectual pursuits. Grab a book, sign up for a class and stretch those mental muscles. Religious and spiritual studies may also beckon, making this a rich time for meditation and connecting with your inner divine nature. During the window of the Solar eclipse on October 14, your intuition will be strong — making this a potent time to commit to an area of study or personal growth. You’re ready to move beyond your comfort zone and put your ideas in motion!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a powerful time for healing and transformation, Pisces. As the Sun activates your Eighth House of death, sex, and regeneration, you are pushed into an important chapter of personal growth. This is a good time to shed old habits, belief systems, situations and relationships that are keeping you stuck. During the Solar eclipse on October 14, you’re offered a potent window to connect with your authentic nature and harness your personal power for renewal and rebirth. Healings can occur that leave you feeling strengthened and revitalized. Important relationships will also be impacted, as they too, will go through a transformation. Of course, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. So, celebrate who you are and how far you’ve come. Hold true to your integrity and bask in your own inner confidence.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡

Kelly O Benson
Consulting Astrologer


With respect and gratitude, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded, traditional, and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples — the  xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Selilwitulh (Tsleil-waututh) and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) nations.