??? The Light is Getting Stronger

As the Sun is moving through its midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, we can all feel a little more light coming back into our lives. (Happy Birthday to all the Aquarians in the house and to the early-born Pisceans, too!) As we move through this phase of winter, some of us are still deep in cocoon mode while others are eager to get out of our seats and move about the cabin. It’s a ripe time now to consider the dreams you want to seed as we go through this Aquarius season. It’s a time when we envision beyond the present obstacles, and consider how we can best position ourselves for the most favourable outcomes. Mars and Mercury have both stationed direct, (but haven’t yet caught up with their retrograde position), making this an excellent time to gather knowledge and build the foundations for key initiatives. Check your personal sign below to see where this impacts you!

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

Things are looking up, Aries! Jupiter has moved back into your sign and will remain there until mid-May giving you a huge boost of energy. This is favourable in regard to travel, exploration, pioneering experiences, adventures, and education. Many of you are feeling braver and you can look forward to improved relationships with others and new connections as well. Your engines are further revved as Mars continues its forward motion, picking up speed in your third house of community affairs, current events and stimulating knowledge gains. With Mercury direct now as well, it’s a favourable time to reach out and get involved in projects that matter to you. Warm up to your dreams and look for ways to bring those aspirations to life. This is a good year for you!  You might also choose to educate yourself further about issues that need a closer look. Meanwhile, you’ll inspire others along the way.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You’ll find yourself more in the public eye this month as the Sun moves across the top of your chart, Taurus. You’re keen to tackle responsibilities and ‘git down’ to business. It’s a good time to connect with people in influential positions as deals and negotiations can go in your favour now. Give some thought as to the direction you want to take in your career. In the meantime, review financial budgets and make sure you’re in touch with your earnings and losses. Now is the time to make some cutbacks where necessary. You’re ready to make some long-term investments and you want to be sure it’s the right one and at the right time. (Steer clear of impulse buys above a reasonable amount.) You’re keen to play the long game and you know that certain choices may take a while to pay off. There will be many improvements coming your way this year and the actions you’re taking now are helping to seed that progress. Steady as she goes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mars has been cruising through your sign since last August and it’s only recently come out the retrograde that started last October. You’ve been putting in a lot of time and energy on certain projects and life may have been busier than usual. Your confidence and self-esteem has received a nice boost! It’s time to be brave and take the initiative! Fortunately, your ruler Mercury is moving direct again so things should be moving at a better pace now. Get ready for some wins when it comes to your work or business in the next few weeks. If you’re looking to expand your career path, or maybe find a new job — this spring is a hot time for you. Make space for personal time and also check in with your friends and take in some stimulating conversations. Others are drawn to your charisma, so enjoy this upbeat pace and increased flirtations! Cultural events and creative experiences that get you out of the house will appeal as well as classes and workshops.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)As the Sun moves through your eighth house of intimacy, you might crave some alone time to centre yourself, Cancer. It’s a good time to review your deeper needs and consider what actions you can take to help meet them. You might feel pushed to let go of unnecessary baggage that’s been weighing you down. This is good! Let go of constricting ties that don’t serve you any longer. Repetitive scripts and negative self-talk can take a hike. You’re no longer giving that power over you; instead, you can reclaim that power for yourself. As the days get longer, you get stronger! You might also feel pushed to clean out areas of your home and rid yourself of old belongings. (A tough exercise for you sentimental types.) You’re getting ready for some new chapters on the horizon. You’ll be keen to make some bold moves in the coming months, especially when Mars enters your sign this March. Think of the key relationships in your life and where you feel there is a healthy give-and-take. Nourish the positive connections in your life.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Because the Sun is moving opposite your sign at this time, you might feel more tired than usual. It’s ok to cut yourself some slack and head to bed an hour earlier so you can gear down and get some quality rest. The Full Moon on February 5th will be in your sign, potentially making this a highly charged time for you. Sensitive matters that have not been fully addressed might have a way of coming up. Be mindful when in heated discussions with others, you might feel more thin skinned than usual. Nonetheless, something important can come to light now that can bring about more clarity. Insights about your key relationships can help you move through obstacles. (Remain observant and avoid jumping to conclusions.) Mars is picking up speed in your house of friendships, teams, humanitarian matters and visions of the future. Give some thought to the quality people in your life and who you want to see more of. You might want to invite a friend out for an exciting experience. If you can learn something about the world while you’re at it, all the better!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Matters to do with work and career will be highlighted this month, Virgo. Mars is now moving direct at the top of your chart pushing you to be more assertive and ready to take on a position of leadership. This will make you feel more invigorated, and your self-esteem is at an all-time high. You can utilize this time to make some inroads on important projects. Or why not throw your hat in the ring if there’s a job you really want? This sense of boldness is also present in your personal life and you might find it easier to take the initiative in personal relationships or to speak up for yourself in some delicate matters. As the Sun moves through your house of health and day-to-day work, keep in mind this is a good time to get back to healthy routines and habits that serve you well. You might also feel like starting a new initiative, perhaps an exercise regime or some form of health project. It appears you’re making improvements across the board!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Adventures and exciting experiences are in the mix, Libra! Enjoy some flirtations and playful occasions to spice things up. With Mars picking up speed, and approaching the top of your chart, you are inspired to take the initiative now. This is a good time for checking out the opportunities that are available to you! You might be interested in some far-off travel where you can immerse yourself in a different culture, making this a good time pull ideas together to plan a big trip. Alternatively, the drive to expand your education or further your studies is also favoured now. Check schools and institutions that are up your alley. Social events, parties and outings are also on the docket now. The urge to get outside and feel the wind in your hair is strong, so grab a friend and head out there! Keep in mind this is a great time for relationships (romantic and friendships alike) to blossom. Enjoy the company of those you love!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As the Sun moves through the base of your chart, it’s time to get on top of your home scene, Scorpio. You might feel an increased need for security and give thought to your domestic rhythms and home routine. If you’re interested in revamping your dinner menu or perhaps giving some thought to your morning rituals and how they can better serve you — this is a good time to implement new ideas. If family members require some assistance or support, be patient and understanding. Challenges can be turned into opportunities for stronger relationship ties to bring each other closer. Home improvement projects or private passion projects might be attractive now. It’s a strong time to turn over a personal new leaf related to your emotional nature and your deeper value system. Consider who are the valuable people in your life — who have really been there for you when you needed them. How can you show up for them in return in ways that really matter?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Your day-to-day pace is picking up, Sagittarius. As the Sun activates your third house, you’re eager to connect with colleagues, friends, relatives and associates. Common interests and group activities will pull you out of the house and into exciting new experiences. This is a great time to meet others who are on your wavelength. You’re particularly effective with your communication skills at this time. If there’s a project you’re working on for writing, teaching or other communication platforms, this is a good time to get down to brass tacks. As Mars gains momentum and climbs your chart, you can easily attract others to your dreams and visions! If you need to get the ear of a desirable individual or an organization, put that plan in motion. Increased physical outings, activity and athletics are calling your name now. It’s time to feel the wind in your hair. You will easily inspire others with your optimism.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

As the Sun moves into your second house, you’re giving a lot of thought to what you value in life, Capricorn. Not only is this about money, earnings and property but it’s also about how you spend your time and who you spend your time with. This can be an effective time to consider your day to-day calendar and how you might make some tweaks or changes that give you more time to do what it is that you love, and also create effective time for being productive. Purchases related to your work and investments in your health and well-being are favoured now. Solutions come easy to you now as Mars energizes your sixth house. In fact, you may find that you’re able to maneuver into new positions or do an overhaul related to your career. This is a good time to throw your hat in the ring if there’s a project you want to take the lead on. You can channel bottled-up energies into physical outlets or a DIY project.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Happy Birthday, Aquarius! It’s your time to recharge your batteries and celebrate the good fortune in your life. It’s a key time to address personal matters and consider what you want to continue to support in your life; and also what you might want to phase out. (It’s a good time to let go of bad habits or relationships that simply don’t serve you any longer.) As Mars moves forward in your fellow air sign Gemini, this activates your sense of self to be stronger than usual, making you feel more confident about the initiates you’re ready to begin. This bodes well if you’re looking to expand your work or craft or pursue an important project. You’re more likely to take a risk now You’re more appreciative of your natural talents and how they can be applied in the world around you. It’s a rich time to express yourself and get your needs met. Relationships are blessed at this time as well, making it a lovely time to appreciate the special people in your world.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As your birthday approaches, you might be feeling more reflective than usual, Pisces. It’s natural as you get ready for your next turn around the Sun. You might need some quiet time for rest and reflection. Give some thought to the last year — what went well, and what you feel proud of?  Who are the key people that made a difference in your life? Consider how you can further nurture those key experiences and the important relationships to support yourself for the coming year ahead. New beginnings related to your internal growth are in the mix. You’re eager to develop the stronger aspects of yourself, as you let go of the old parts of yourself that you’ve outgrown. It’s time to invest in yourself! Play to your talents and strength and consider the circumstances that help you flourish. A fresh commitment may arise as you get ready to launch into a brand-new cycle. You’re ready to make improvements across the board.

Much warmth and well wishes!

   Kelly ♡