October Cosmic Weather Report, the month ahead…


The Cosmic Weather Report for October 2020

               The breathtaking display of natural fireworks colours our weeks as the days get shorter and the nights get longer. In harmony, the Sun moves through fair and balanced Libra until October 22 when it transitions to penetrating and transformative Scorpio.

            Libra is a sociable, alliance-seeking sign, governed by lovely Venus, which means we get to rejoice in harvest feasts and artful conversations as we move indoors and celebrate our kinships. This is frequently a time when people pair-up and casual relationships become more committed as people know (perhaps unconsciously) that it’s easier to get through the hard winter with a good support system. Take a moment to consider your own support system and how you might strengthen the ties with those who are important to you. More than ever, we need each other as we navigate these unprecedented times.

               There are a number of intense celestial events occurring this month as our big hitters — Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter — continue their move through responsible and authoritative Capricorn. (I know, Capricorns can be playful goats when they want to be!) Responsibility and accountability are the major themes this month, while this Capricorn grouping is met with some sweet trines from Venus in Virgo. But there is also some mighty push back from Mars retrograde in Aries! Meanwhile, Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio dancing opposite Uranus, and we have a lovely New Moon in Libra and two Full Moons, the second one occurring on Halloween night!

               October opens with an electrifying Full Moon between the Sun in air-natured Libra and the Moon in fiery, passionate Aries, only days before stern Saturn stationed direct setting up a Square with forceful Mars on September 29. This means important matters will be brought to light that can no longer be ignored or moved to the back burner. We’re pushed to assess the stark realities we’re faced with and get our priorities straightened out. The warrior energy ignited by Mars retrograde in Aries (Sept 9 to Nov 13) will make us feel restless and wanton, looking for something to fight for. Provide yourself with positive outlets to blow steam or off-gas excess emotions. While it can be a time of high energy and activity — staying even-keeled and taking the time to respond rather than react will serve us well. This celestial energy can all too easily manifest as tension, so caution against snap judgments or harsh, irrevocable decisions. Remember to slow down and pick your battles carefully.

               Early in the month on October 2, fair Venus enters earth-natured and service-oriented Virgo for the next four weeks. Simple acts of kindness can go a long way now. Focusing on ways to be useful to ourselves, our causes and the people in our lives will keep us grounded. Demonstrations of affection will likely be practical gestures. Note: the details matter. Planning calendars, budgeting and making time for health-related tune-ups are favoured now. Small changes about dietary changes or lifestyle routines will have long-lasting results.

               As deep and penetrating Pluto stations direct on October 4, the subterranean layers in our psyche shift and issues related to power struggles and imbalances will be transformed. Like a forest of trees, each tree seemingly separate (but in reality, linked through a complex root system that lies beneath the surface) — so are we. The hurts and wounds on an individual level may be more obvious, just as the hurts and wounds in our larger social systems are being revealed.

               Pluto conjunct Jupiter (April 4, June 30, and November 12, 2020) will magnify these issues, shining a light on the misuse of resources, power, and influence. The more each of us considers where and how we’re part of this dance, the sooner we will move to a different tune – one that allows space for mending those rifts and transforming broken beliefs.

               Mercury sits opposite Uranus, October 7, opening the door to breakthroughs and revolutionary ideas. Yet Mars Square Pluto on October 9 will make it difficult to put these newfound insights into action. Take heart, we’re being tested. By refining our purpose and revising our strategies, lasting changes can take root. Small steps that can be realistically tended to are favoured. Knowing our boundaries, what we will and what we will not stand for will be made clear one way or another. (Caution against getting caught in an ego dance that only serves to chip away at your self-esteem and energy reserves — it’s just not worth it.)

               Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, October 10 bringing ground-breaking ideas back to the front burner. This time they gain momentum. If we collaborate with others on how to work together in tangible ways, we will get positive results. New and cutting-edge methods for managing resources and money-making ideas are possible. Romance gets a boost and we’re eager to see situations from a new point of view.

               The Sun to Jupiter Square occurring October 11 makes us want to change things up and indulge ourselves. Enjoy some play and expressive activities that get your blood moving. We’re feeling pumped and optimistic making this a good time for creative endeavours and playful banter! On October 12, Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces and our idealistic nature is activated. Spiritual and religious ideologies will feel more paramount as our concern for the state of our lives, and that of others grows. Many will feel pushed to assist others who are suffering or in a less fortunate position. Small acts of kindness have a positive effect on our physical and mental wellbeing — for both the recipient and the giver.

               On October 12, we’re hit with the once a year Sun opposite Mars, which makes our inner warriors poised and ready for action! Consider where you want to channel this powerful energy and where can it serve you most.

               Mercury’s final retrograde of 2020 begins on October 13 in Scorpio extended to November 3 in Libra. We’re ready to re-examine the inner workings of the key relationships in our lives, be they personal, business or within our own psyche. We want to get to bottom of it all and uncover the source of the grief and pain. A powerful transformation can occur as we become aware of the established systems at work in our lives that need to evolve. While this can be an excellent time for research and detective work, it can be a difficult time to get new initiates off the ground. It’s advised not to purchase electronic or mechanical devices or vehicles during a Mercury retrograde as things are prone to break down. Slow down and give yourself more time between tasks.  Slow down and let your inner perfectionist take a backseat. Take care with sports, driving, risky behaviours, and accident-prone activities. It’s easy to get over-extended and over-tired.

               The New Moon in Libra occurring on October 16 encourages us to pull back, take a break, slow down and listen to the authentic voice that speaks within. Its time to nurture our deeper self and be our own best friend. We also have the opportunity to let go of the mental constructs that have kept us locked in patterns that no longer serve our true wellbeing. It’s time to revise and rewrite the unspoken social contracts that are driving our actions. It’s a potent celestial window to enhance and improve the relationships in our life that are important, meaningful and worth the effort. Focus on beauty and how to can promote peace and harmony in all your relationships, without losing yourself. Consider what areas of life have felt neglected or simply off-balance? What are the small steps you can employ to help realign yourself? Fostering healthy social connections, be they with friends, lovers or coworkers are greatly favoured at this time.

               Sun in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn on October 18, which means limitations will rear their head. Important information regarding rules, boundaries, or procedures will be made clear. Delays and restrictions may dampen our spirits — temporarily.

               On October 19, Mars in Aries Squares Jupiter in Capricorn igniting the fight for justice. This forceful energy will be so strong that the need for action might blind us to the potential fall out. Utilize the trine of Venus to Jupiter October 19 to keep a level head and promote diplomatic relations with others. Material matters related to work, effort, commerce and exchange will get a boost, as we see what areas we’re called to invest in, be that emotional or financial. Listen to your gut, you’ll know a good thing when you see it!

               Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 19 sparking a shift in attitudes as we view our situation from a fresh perspective. Breakthroughs and exciting news will penetrate our viewpoints, and we may change a long-standing perspective on something. Before taking action try looking at your present struggles as opportunities for growth. This is an excellent time for research, discovery and new methods for learning.

               Venus in Virgo will trine Pluto in Capricorn on October 21, which will open up doors to promote healing. We’re primed to discover treasures deep within our being, especially where our hearts are intertwined with others. We can shine the light of love on areas impacted by pain giving them room to breathe and grow. Tapping into the depth of wisdom and receiving lost parts of our nature is possible. Breakthroughs and positive feedback will push us to evolve.

               On October 22, the Sun moves through intense and fiery Scorpio for the next four weeks. Because we will feel things at a deeper level, we need avenues to safely express our passion, desires, and also our anger. Pent-up frustrations lead to toxic behaviours. Therefore, give yourself the space you need to decompress and thus, feel revitalized.

               We experience another trine with Venus, this time to Saturn in Capricorn on October 24, which means discussions with others will improve. This is aspect favours long-term investments and commitments. Harsh mindsets will soften as we can see more sides of an issue. Now is a time to get real about our convictions and consider what can result from our efforts. Our actions have lasting consequences, so let’s make them count.

               When Venus enters her own sign Libra on October 27, we’re encouraged to strengthen our bonds with friends and loved ones. This influence promotes positive relations with others, especially romantic ones! Because we’re more aligned with our needs, it’s easier to witness what’s happening for someone else. Sometimes the greatest gift we can offer is to truly listen, taking in what our friend needs to say without jumping in or trying to fix them.

               The month winds up with a potent Full Moon in Taurus occurring October 31. Because this is the second Full Moon in one month, it’s known as a Blue Moon, something that happens roughly once a year. We also experience the once-a-year Sun opposite Uranus, which means something unexpected may well take place! Two celestial oppositions in one day can create powerful energy and that energy has to go somewhere. A culmination of important issues that might have been hidden are now brought to light. We might be faced with a tough choice, to continue investing in something (perhaps a job or relationship) or cut our losses and put our much-needed psychic, emotional, and material resources somewhere else. Themes around shared wealth and property, taxes, responsibility intertwined with others, the misuse of power, death, regeneration and rebirth will play into this Full Moon. With the influence of Uranus in the mix as well, give yourself the space you need to make a solid decision.

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”  – Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Planetary Ingresses October 2020

October 2                           Venus enters Virgo 0° 00’

October 4                           Pluto Stations Direct in Capricorn 22° 29’D

October 13                          Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio 11° 40’Rx

October 22                         Sun enters Scorpio 0° 00’

October 27                         Mercury Retrograde enters Libra 29° 59’ Rx

October 27                          Venus enters Libra 0° 00’


October Moons

Oct  1, 2020       5:05 PM               Full Moon in Aries 9° 8’

Oct  9, 2020       8:39 PM               Last Quarter Moon Cancer 17° 10’

Oct 16, 2020      3:31 PM               New Moon Libra 23° 53’

Oct 23, 2020      9:23 AM               First Quarter Moon Aquarius 0° 36’ 

Oct 31, 2020     10:49 AM              Full Moon in Taurus 8° 38’


         Every culture on this beautiful blue dot has watched, recorded, and anticipated the movements of the Sun and Moon. We observe the Sun during the daytime so our ancestors associated it with conscious action willpower and the father principle. In contrast, we honour the Moon (that reflects the Sun’s light) at nighttime and it is associated with unconscious behaviours, feelings, moods, home, family and the mother principle.

         As the Moon makes her journey through the First Quarter Moon (aka New Moon) to the Second Quarter Moon, Third Quarter Moon (aka Full Moon) and Last Quarter Moon these are cosmically charged times when we are more likely to experience powerful feelings and bursts of energy that we put into action. These cycles can work for us or against us, depending on how we approach this celestial energy.

         At a First Quarter or New Moon, this is when the Moon and Sun are lined up together, or conjunct. She is dark or hidden by the brightness of the Sun. This time corresponds with new beginnings; and we can use this potent time to sew our seeds of intention that align with our deeper needs. During these times, it is believed that our subconscious is more receptive, which makes this an excellent time for personal growth. Use these times to reflect, consider and act with intention.

         At a Second Quarter Moon, the Moon has moved to 90° away from the Sun. She is waxing, and her reflective surface is growing in size. This is a time to further push ahead with our aspirations and channel this growth energy. Especially in areas where we need to be brave and we need an extra boost!

         At a Third Quarter or Full Moon, is when the Moon reflects the mighty light of the Sun back to us on earth. The Moon energy then reaches a peak! The energy is high and we act with boldness and passion! Feelings that have been sitting in the subconscious are now made conscious. We can no longer ignore the feelings we’ve been suppressing or the parts of our nature that we have ignored. These are potent times to observe what comes to light.

         At a Fourth Quarter Moon, this phase is when the Moon is again 90° away from the Sun, but now she is waning or decreasing in light. This energy corresponds with pulling back, weeding our gardens, purging, letting go and clearing the decks as we prepare for another Moon cycle to begin.

Mercury Retrograde October-November 2020

Mercury enters retrograde zone on September 23, 2020

Mercury stations and turns retrograde on October 13, 2020

Mercury stations and turns direct on November 3, 2020

Mercury leaves retrograde shadow on November 19, 2020







